Super Junior’s Heechul criticizes the enemy who sent him vicious messages on Instagram


After receiving a large number of hateful messages from an Instagram user, Super Junior’s Kim Heechul responded by exposing the individual online.

Warning: mention of suicide.

On October 24, Heechul shared a screenshot of vicious direct messages (DMs) that he had received from someone who was apparently upset with his latest Instagram post. In a series of profanity-filled direct messages, the hater attacked Heechul for uploading two posts of himself grilling Korean meat (which is more expensive than imported meat) four days apart.

Swearing and asking if Heechul was showing how rich he was, the individual repeatedly told Heechul to commit suicide, adding, “Without your face, what are you good at?”

In his post, which revealed the hater’s Instagram username, Heechul succinctly replied, “I’m not going to kill myself.”

Heechul has previously expressed his determination to fight hateful comments, and earlier this year, he shared an update on his legal battle against malicious commenters.

Check out Heechul on his talk show “7.7 Billion in Love” below!

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