PJ Mayor Confirms Sea Park Market Closed After Vegetable Trader Tested Positive for Covid-19


A VEGETABLE trader from the Sea Park Market in Petaling Jaya tested positive for Covid-19, says Petaling Jaya City Council Mayor Datuk Mohd Sayuthi Bakar.

He said the 73-year-old trader was detected as positive for Covid-19 on October 22.

“The trader has about four plots in the market and supplies vegetables to other traders in the market as well as selling them to the public.

“Investigations are still ongoing as to the number of staff it has and efforts are underway to trace contacts. This process is carried out by the Ministry of Health, ”he said in a statement on Saturday (October 24).

The Petaling District Health Office and the Petaling Jaya City Council will meet with the market administration on Saturday morning to discuss the next course of action, he said.

“The market has been closed until further notice for the disinfection and contact tracing process,” he said.

On Friday night (October 23) around 5.15 p.m., Kampung Tunku Assemblyman Lim Yi Wei announced on Facebook that the market would be closed until further notice due to the detection of a Covid-19 case.
