Editor Writes Post After Receiving Red Velvet’s Irene’s Apology


The editor and stylist whose allegations about Red Velvet member Irene’s behavior led to an apology from the idol has now written a post clarifying some details and asking fans to stop posting malicious comments.

Through her Instagram Stories on October 23, the editor wrote the following message, in which she referred to Irene as “C” and SM Entertainment as “Company B.”

I’ve already been hurt and I’ll never forget the pain. However, I wanted a direct apology from C to protect my dignity as a human being, and I met C along with those in charge of Company B. It took some coordination and time for yesterday’s meeting to take place.

After I first uploaded my post, I did not take any action because I also needed to make rational and wise decisions at all times in preparation for this situation. The main reason was that he didn’t want to create a major misunderstanding, and he didn’t want to add fire to the rampant speculation and chaos.

I thought there was no need to take hasty action because immediately after the incident, I received an apology from someone at Company B who had hired me and the managers who had been there, and they acknowledged their wrongdoing.

I have never been a stylist for C’s group. I was hired through outsourcing for a one-day styling job for a shoot on Tuesday October 20 (I was first commissioned on October 5. I received an official email at about October 6 and I prepared for 15 days at the request of company B and group C).

I wrote “someone met for the first time” because C had forgotten that day that he had worked with me on a shoot for a certain magazine in 2016 (I also confirmed it yesterday when we met) and also because his actions were something that happened. not just me, but also a junior editor who was helping me that day and an assistant.

For that reason, those two people came with me to the meeting to apologize. They spoke with people from B Company and C and both received an apology from C.

I thought from the beginning that there was no need to respond to thoughtless malicious comments from C fans. I still feel the same way. The reason I haven’t taken any action yet is that ever since I decided I needed to do something about it, my ultimate goal and objective has been for C to promise never to act like this with anyone again and to do so. meet me and my two team members and apologize. Since this happened, I dropped everything after receiving the official apology yesterday.

Although some people have imagined and speculated about this, nothing like a financial settlement has taken place. (Currently there is only the processing of my pay and compensation for the one day work on October 20). Also, the word “agreement” did not even come up at yesterday’s meeting. It was a meeting to apologize, not to reach an agreement.

I had to protect myself until the end. At the meeting, I requested a letter of apology that included an acknowledgment of misconduct by Company B and C, apology, and promise not to commit such actions again because there was no reason for me to continue to be indiscriminately attacked by thoughtless people. and there would be no more misunderstandings. This post will also be the last time I express my position on this.

I am one person. I have maintained the work ethic that I believe in and I always do my best in whatever job I am given. I also make mistakes, and someone might see me as a bad person and as a good person to someone else. C is the same in that sense. But I couldn’t conclude that this incident was a personal matter. I acted in this way for the sake of recovery from defamation and protection of dignity for myself, who completed all my professional work related to my commission, and my colleagues who have had the same experience as me.

I will work hard so that I can somehow overcome this pain and return to my place to continue my life. Furthermore, I will not react or take any action related to this incident. That is not for my good; It is my last act of consideration for C, who attended that meeting yesterday. Also, if you really are a fan of C and genuinely care about her, I hope you don’t cross the line anymore and stop. Those posts do me no harm and do not positively affect C in any way.

Finally, I was hoping on some level, due to the magnitude of this incident, the invasion of my privacy and the emergence of rumors of dramatic media manipulation, and although I know that I most likely cannot do anything to stop that, it would good if you stop now. I am also preparing something about it.

This post has gotten long. From my position, I had to write this. Personally, I deeply apologize to the staff at Company B for creating backbreaking work.

Finally, I sincerely ask this of the people who are reading this post. I hope you stop writing speculative posts and articles, which end up causing more pain and harm to everyone. Thank you.
