Terengganu administration better now under PAS, says PPBM man


Terengganu PPBM President Razali Idris has praised PAS for ensuring the welfare and development of the state’s population. (Photo by Bernama)

PETALING JAYA: The administration of the Terengganu government headed by Menteri Besar Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar is better compared to the previous one, according to the head of the PPBM state section.

Terengganu PPBM President Razali Idris said PAS was more open to cooperating with the components that made up the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government, as well as being genuine in ensuring the well-being and development of the people.

“For me, the PAS is ruling Terengganu much better than the previous government. We see a renewal in the pattern of government that contributes to the development of the state.

“Now we see unity at all stages, where there were once disagreements between PAS, Umno and PPBM,” he told the FMT when asked to comment on the achievements of Terengganu under the leadership of the party.

Razali Idris.

Razali said that the allocations reserved for the seats won by PAS comrades in the PN were done well, adding that he did not hear any complaints about it.

He also said that the PAS state government had established a village security and development working group, made up of representatives from the three component parties of the PN, despite the fact that Umno and PPBM lost in previous elections.

In the 2018 general election, PAS won 22 out of 32 state seats, beating Barisan Nasional (BN), who won 10, and Pakatan Harapan (PH), of whom PPBM was a part at the time.

Following the political realignment in March that led to the formation of the PN government, PAS, Umno and PPBM, as the three largest Malaysian parties, formed a new political alliance.

However, despite being allies at the federal level, Umno has not held back his criticism of the PAS administration in Terengganu.

Kijal Assemblyman Ahmad Said recently questioned the sincerity of Muafakat Nasional’s cooperation between Umno and PAS, claiming that there was an unfair distribution of allocations for elected representatives.

During a debate in the state assembly in August, Ahmad said that the 10 million ringgit allocated by Putrajaya to handle the Covid-19 crisis was not evenly distributed among assembly members.
