Have all contending leaders prove their claims in the House


YOUR OPINION | “Without raising your hand, the problem will drag on and get worse.”

Agong repeats call not to plunge the nation into political uncertainty

EM: Do not plunge the nation into political uncertainty again, Yang di-Pertuan Agong advised politicians. But isn’t there political uncertainty today? The uncertainty about who really rules the majority of the House?

The media runs with stories of secret meetings and actual subpoenas, of letters and lists, the police are issuing warnings about causing confusion and summoning a politician who has refused to issue any lists, the President-designate of Parliament is making preventive announcements through the media and markets are falling. Aren’t these signs of uncertainty?

So, in whose selfish interest is this “uncertainty” deliberately prolonged? Why are no decisive, constitutional remedies allowed to clear the palpable uncertainty? Who wins if uncertainty prevails?

Will those who subverted an elected government and took power in February say that the country now enjoys political stability?

Why is political uncertainty so undesirable? Because even after more than 60 years of independence, the country really does not have the means or the methods to handle such uncertainty.

Gerard Lourdesamy: With all due respect to the Agong, shouldn’t His Majesty ask the Prime Minister to demonstrate his majority in Parliament and, if not, to resign? A government without a majority in the Dewan Rakyat not only exercises authority and powers unconstitutionally, but also illegally.

The role of the sovereign at present is: (1) to determine whether the prime minister still has a majority in light of the statements made to the king by PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah of Umno, and the president’s public statements of Umno, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and (2) to determine who is likely to gain the confidence of the majority in the House.

The king must remain above party politics. Its constitutional role cannot be delegated to politicians on the basis of negotiations and compromises. The conditional movement control order (CMCO) is not a sufficient reason to avoid the exercise of constitutional powers.

If no leader or party has a majority, then the king should dissolve Parliament on the advice of the sitting PM. It is obvious that the current prime minister will not allow a vote of no confidence to be presented and debated in the House.

All that remains is to reject the supply bill that would have serious financial and economic implications for the country as long as the next session of Parliament is not delayed or postponed using the CMCO as an excuse.

If any sitting MP can show that they have the support of at least 120 MPs in the House to ensure a stable government, why should they not be appointed prime minister?

BlueShark1548: The nation has been in a state of uncertainty since the moment Muhyiddin Yassin was appointed prime minister without revealing the number of MPs who support him. The condition should have been imposed on Muhyiddin to have a vote of confidence in the first session of Parliament.

Since then he had refused to face the vote of no confidence cast by the former Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, and therefore gave the impression that he did not have a majority and therefore created uncertainty. Since then, our policy had been to maintain power or to seize power.

It is ridiculous for anyone to suggest that Parliament be prorogued or suspended in an emergency. Anwar supposedly has the numbers, why is the government afraid to give him a chance to prove it in Parliament?

It would be unhealthy to deny Anwar the opportunity to prove his claim. The reasons given by the Speaker of the House are unacceptable and he is ill advised. Why are the odds against Anwar? The rakyat should not tolerate a backdoor government that refused to face a vote of no confidence!

Malaysian Spirit: I don’t think anyone can argue with what Agong said. The culprit is the defector of the PKR Azmin Ali and company for destabilizing the democratically elected government with an unelected government without the majority support of the parliamentarians.

The idea that Najib could get out of trouble will definitely destabilize things, Malaysia would lose all credibility with other nations and normalize the kind of theft that we saw from the Najib regime, all of these things are bad for long-term stability.

The country needs a government that rules with the nation as the top priority, not its personal greed. Without that, how can there be long-term stability?

The people spoke in the last elections, now they have been told that no matter what they think as politicians refuse to act with integrity, and by position and power, the mandate of the people was revoked.

I wonder if Anwar has the numbers to be PM, but I’m sure Muhyiddin doesn’t have the numbers to rule either. We should blame those who toppled the elected government, clinging to power when deals had been made.

Now, in the midst of a pandemic, we have a government that does not have a mandate from the people, and the blame is squarely on the feet of Azmin and Muhyiddin.

Anyone who acts with integrity is not afraid of losing power, he uses power for the benefit of the nation, not himself. They acknowledge that the power of attorney does not belong to them per se, it is given by consent and that consent can be withdrawn.

Coconut: The rakyat are fed up, tired and sick with Covid-19 and the OLS caused by these politicians, who do not care about people’s lives.

We were patients during the first and second waves of Covid-19. We followed standard operating procedures and the leaders gave it their all.

Politicians are there only for their own welfare, nothing more. They should help the people who are calling for all of this to stop and the priority is to control the third wave of Covid-13. The next thing is to put the economy back on a good footing.

Healthcare workers are stretched to the core. They cannot bear all these consequences from these politicians. The unemployment rate is pretty bad and people are struggling to put food on the table.

His Majesty is in touch with the situation and wants the best for the country and its people. Please save us from these politicians. Daulat Tuanku.

Heron: There is profound wisdom in Agong’s advice. The current and current unrest, as is apparent from recent speeches in political and political circles, is in some way a consequence of a feeling of political uncertainty engendered in recent times.

It is true that a raging pandemic that takes a heavy toll on human livelihoods and the well-being of our people is not the time in such socio-economic emergencies to promote a socio-political agenda other than that of fostering national unity, above all else. .

Raja Chulan: This tug of war between political parties must be resolved based on rules that already exist. A simple show of hands and that’s it. Without raising your hand, the problem will drag on and get worse.

The Agong can prevent the delay from happening. An emergency session of Parliament will resolve this matter once and for all and openly. The will of the people will prevail over all other interests.

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