Will Anwar say that it is up to the attorney general if the defendants in court are released?


“What I assured them is that there is no political revenge, but we must accept due process, the rule of law and the independence of the Judiciary.”

This is what Anwar Ibrahim said when asked if any deals had been made with the deputies facing charges.

This statement came from Malaysia’s aspiring ninth prime minister after stating that he had majority support from MPs to form a new government.

Anwar says he has the numbers. Most likely it came from some disgruntled MPs from Umno, PKR, DAP and possibly Warisan. It is unlikely that the PAS will support him, not the Pejuang of Dr. Mahathir Mohamad (although Maszlee Malik had also reportedly signed a legal statement in support of Anwar) or the GPS of Sarawak, as is widely said. The equation is not the problem because time will tell.

The DAP has been branded as a Chinese chauvinist party that wants to promote the Malaysia of Malaysia at the expense of Malays and Muslims by Umno and PAS, among others. Umno’s dissatisfied MPs in support of Anwar would now have to join hands with the DAP to ensure that Anwar truly succeeds in his quest to be our next prime minister. That is the irony.

Presumably, the PKR MPs will stay with Anwar.

If this is the alleged “support” presented to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, and eventually to the entire country, the question begs, was the olive branch that was offered to possible dissident backers of Anwar of Umno met with the approval of Lim Kit? Siang, Mohamad Sabu and others?

Could it be that in the end, if the parliamentarians who had been indicted in court go free, Anwar around 9 PM will say that he depends on the attorney general and the police and that he has nothing to do with him?

There have been examples of how cases have been dropped for one reason or another and every time the acting prime minister will express disappointment, shrug and say that it is not within his powers to decide such matters. He leaves it to the attorney general, the police and the courts.

Are we about to witness the same scenario in exchange for the support given to the applicants at 9 at night? Who can tell? After all, this is just conjecture, but what is worrying is the perception of what might happen. It is said that the leaves of a tree do not flutter if there is no wind.

So where does that leave the people who voted for what they felt would be best for the country just two years or more ago? Nowhere closer than they were before the last election.

Because at the end of the day, we’re nothing compared to a bunch of scheming power-hungry personalities who will pull something out of nothing.

The 9 PM theme is about to be decided. For those who see the imminent danger of what is to come, they can still do something about it. But only if you really want to.

Clement Stanley is an FMT reader.

The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of FMT.
