More Umno MPs lean toward Muhyiddin as talks intensify


Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin is believed to have enough support to survive a vote of no confidence in the Dewan Rakyat.

PETALING JAYA: Intense negotiations between Umno, PAS and PPBM have resulted in the strengthening of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin’s position, according to insiders.

Informants said that Umno MPs who had gained positions and advantages after the formation of Perikatan Nasional in February, but who had doubted a more important role for Umno were now leaning towards Muhyiddin.

However, they said the situation was still fluid, although for now, it appeared Muhyiddin could garner enough support to remain prime minister if a vote of no confidence was allowed in Parliament.

One source said that up to 26 Umno MPs, who had been rewarded by Muhyiddin with posts, were in favor of Muhyiddin as prime minister. The party has 39 deputies.

Furthermore, he said, several Umno MPs feared that their grassroots supporters would not like to be seen working with DAP, which would almost certainly happen if they backed PKR’s Anwar Ibrahim as prime minister.

But still not everything was easy for Muhyiddin, he said.

“Friday’s talks between PPBM leaders and Umno have reached a dead end due to differences of opinion between a handful of Umno leaders and a handful of PPBM leaders,” he said.

Part of the deadlock was due to PPBM’s objection to the lawsuits brought by Umno leaders, the source said.

On October 13, opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim received an audience with the King, where he presented documents to show that he had the support of the majority of parliamentarians and should have the opportunity to form a new government.

Umno president Zahid Hamidi admitted that some Umno deputies were backing Anwar. Furthermore, in recent days, Umno leaders had said that they were considering withdrawing from the ruling coalition if Muhyiddin did not agree to their demands.

The demands are known to include the appointment of a Umno leader as deputy prime minister and various “strategic” ministries to be led by Umno deputies.

The lawsuits came after Umno claimed he was being treated unfairly in Perikatan Nasional, sparked by Muhyiddin’s decision to back the appointment of a PPBM leader as Sabah’s prime minister rather than a Umno leader.

The source added that Umno MPs were still willing to work with Anwar and trigger a general election once the number of Covid-19 cases decreased, but with no DAP in the new government.

Another source familiar with the talks said PAS was leaning towards Muhyiddin and away from Umno.

“They were close to Umno, but they are not sure if they can keep their cabinet posts if they support Umno’s decision to back Anwar,” he said.

However, the source said that PAS will keep its doors open for Umno as a way to be the kingmaker before the 15th general election.

However, he said the latest change in Umno MPs supporting Muhyiddin could change again if Umno could forge a better deal with Anwar.

“There are a lot of intense negotiations with the Umno MPs considering whether to support Muhyiddin to be Prime Minister until the next GE (general election) in 2023 or to support Anwar and trigger elections after Covid-10 is resolved,” he said .

Dewan Rakyat’s new meeting begins on November 2, and the 2021 budget is scheduled to be presented four days later.

Several opposition leaders have filed no-confidence motions against Muhyiddin.
