Sarawak needs a law to claim carbon credits, says Abang Johari


Abang Johari (standing, center) witnesses the signing of the MoA by (seated from left) Dino, Zaidell and Ng. Also with him are Manyin (standing, left) and Kameri (standing, right). – Photo by Muhammad Rais Sanusi

KUCHING (Oct 19): Sarawak would have to pass a law to claim carbon credits, says Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg.

He said that at the moment, the state has no provisions in its law to treat carbon credit as a commercial product.

“We have to update our law to be able to claim carbon credits and then be recognized as a green state,” he said at the Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) signing ceremony between Craun Research Sdn Bhd and Knowledge Integration Services (Singapore). Pte Ltd and Nitsei Sago Industries Sdn Bhd held at a hotel here today.

Carbon credit is a term for any certificate or negotiable permit that aims to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere while promoting the use of renewable energy.

Abang Johari noted that Sarawak is currently on the right path towards green technology production.

“The state government has always been focused on green technology and right now we are researching hydrogen and apparently this research may produce a new approach for us to produce hydrogen through the hydrolysis process using water, which is a renewable energy. ” he said.

In addition, he noted that using sago waste to produce biogas for domestic supply in a sago waste treatment plant in Balingian, Mukah will not only solve environmental problems caused by sago processing activities, but also it will allow local people to pay less for household waste. gas.

“In my opinion, if we can produce biogas from sago waste, this is one of the activities that allows us to produce by-products from green technology,” he added.

He suggested that Craun Research Sdn Bhd, an agency under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Research that carries out research and development activities for the development of sago crops and their industry, also investigate the study of oil palm.

“If we can treat the waste from the sago palm, maybe we can also do the same with the oil palm because I see that the waste produced by our oil palm can also be processed.

“One of the products of this is fertilizer and that can be used as a base for us to add value to oil palm waste and maybe it can also be used to produce renewable base gas.

“If that happens, this gas can be used nationally or as gas distribution under the state, since we now have autonomy in gas distribution. We can build a distribution network so that the gas used by our communities is produced by sago or oil palm, “he said.

At the MoA, Abang Johari congratulated Craun Research Sdn Bhd, Knowledge Integration Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd and Nitsei Sago Industries Sdn Bhd for the smart partnership and collaboration that will work to change the landscape of Sarawak’s sago industry.

It later witnessed the signing of the MoA which was signed by the CEO of Craun Research Sdn Bhd, Zaidell Husaini, while Knowledge Integration Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd and Nitsei Sago Industries Sdn Bhd were represented by their representatives Dino Bidari and Ng Yong Kiang, respectively.

Also present were Minister of Education, Science and Technology Research Datuk Amar Michael Manyin Jawong, Minister of Welfare, Community Welfare, Women, Family and Child Development Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah, Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Technology Research Dr. Annuar Rapaee and Craun Research Kameri Affandi, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sdn Bhd.
