The 2021 budget includes a focus on the sustainability agenda


KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (pix) said that a special focus will be included in the sustainability agenda in the 2021 Budget with a very important announcement to be made this November 6.

Describing the Covid-19 pandemic as a wake-up call to the world, Muhyiddin said Malaysia, like any other country, needed to rethink its development agenda, particularly in regards to sustainability and green technology, which played a vital role in boosting the economy. .

He admitted that it was difficult to find positives amid the remnants of Covid-19, but as a fervent optimist, the prime minister said he was sure there would be a silver lining.

“The blockades around the world made us reflect, made us think and we began to realize that we have to change our ways. We need to rethink our relationship with the planet and we must rebuild better. Because we were all home, we also noticed that we had better air quality and that Mother Earth had time to revitalize.

“But this was short-lived as we reverted to our old ways once the closures were lifted. But the lesson is that there is a promising path to green recovery as we move through this pandemic, ”he said in his speech before opening the 2020 International Green Technology and Ecoproducts Exhibition and Conference (Igem), organized virtually today.

The prime minister noted that Covid-19 and climate change, ‘the twin Cs’, are proving to be the twin engines of concern and despair, both being global threats that require a common global solution.

“Just as we need a vaccine for Covid-19, climate change requires urgent solutions that cannot wait for a generation,” he said.

Muhyiddin explained that an ecological recovery approach would not only stimulate the economy and social well-being, but also drive the nation’s development trajectory on a low-carbon and climate-resilient path.

In this context, he said that Malaysia, as a country blessed with natural resources, being one of the 12 megadiverse countries in the world and with an advantage in green technology, should leverage this for a stronger green recovery agenda.

He said the impact of climate change is global in scope and unprecedented in various economies of scale, from changing weather patterns that threaten food production to rapidly rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic floods.

“Without drastic action now, adapting to these shocks in the future will be more difficult and even more expensive. Recent projections have shown that the planet is 1 ° C warmer compared to pre-industrial levels, and the temperature continues to rise.

“This will have a great impact on our climate, food security, health and biodiversity, as well as causing disruptive mass migration. We are competing against time in our war to prevent a climate crisis, ”he said.

With Malaysia’s Eleventh Plan for 2016-2020 entering its final phase, Muhyiddin said the pandemic had challenged the government to build its resilience as it progressed through the pandemic.

“The road ahead has to be on a green recovery road,” he added.

Organized by the Ministry of Environment and Water, Igem 2020 is a business opportunity multiplier that serves as an integrator of various possibilities and accelerator of impactful changes, emphasizing the powerful and decisive role of Igem in accelerating a global green economy.

It is an important channel to convene governments, legislators, corporations and individuals on a single platform, opening new avenues and introducing innovative solutions to face the growing economic and global climate change scenarios.Called
