Malaysia on track for higher Covid-19 cases


COVID-19 | The country’s current trajectory suggests more Covid-19 cases are coming, said Health Ministry Director General Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah.

Noor Hisham said this is based on the current value of Ro (pronounced as R null) of 1.5.

Noor Hisham said that the R-value is an indication of how many other people a Covid-19 patient can infect, or in short, the infectivity rate.

“For example, if the R-value is four, it means that one person who is Covid-19 positive can infect four other people during the infectious period.

“This chain of infection will grow exponentially if efforts are not made to break it,” he told a press conference in Putrajaya today.

Noor Hisham explained that during the start of this third wave of Coivd-19 cases, the R-value was at 2.2 on September 20.

“In the four weeks since then, this value has dropped to 1.5,” he said.

He said that while the efforts of the Ministry of Health are paying off, the R-value must be below one to break the chain of infection …
