Thai Police To Charge Two People For Violence Against Queen


BANGKOK (Reuters) – Thai police said on Friday that two men would be charged with attempted violence against the queen, which carries a possible death sentence, after an incident in which their caravan was disrupted on Wednesday.

As Queen Suthida’s convoy passed a group of protesters Wednesday, video footage shows them making the three-fingered salutes in opposition to the establishment and shouting “our taxes,” a reference to complaints about palace spending. . Police pushed the protesters away from the queen’s car.

Bunkueanun “Francis” Paothong told Reuters that he had been charged after being transported from Bangkok to a border patrol police base outside the province.

“I have been accused of violence against the queen,” he said, refusing to comment further. He previously posted a video online proclaiming his innocence.

A police officer said Ekachai Hongkangwan would also be charged at the same police base, but Reuters was unable to contact him after his arrival.

Thai Lawyers for Human Rights told Reuters that their lawyers were helping them. They did not comment on the case.

The Thai government cited the incident around Queen Suthida’s convoy as justification for imposing emergency measures on Thursday that include a ban on political gatherings of five or more people.

The protests have been on the rise for three months, with protesters seeking reforms to curb the powers of King Maha Vajiralongkorn’s monarchy, as well as the departure of Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, a former leader of the junta.

Section 110 of the Thai penal code establishes a sentence of 16 years to life in prison for anyone found guilty of violence or attempted violence against the queen, heir or regent, with a death sentence if an act could endanger their life.

There were no signs that the queen was injured during the incident. The video shows her smiling from the car window as she passed the protesters and then went on to perform palace duties at a temple.

(Report by Panarat Thepgumpanat and Patpicha Tanakasempipat; written by Matthew Tostevin and Michael Perry)
