Extend Parliament and form unity government, urges former president Pandikar


KOTA KINABALU: The federal government led by Perikatan Nasional should consider including opposition parliamentarians in the cabinet to achieve political stability at a time when the country is fighting the Covid-19 pandemic, says Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia (Photo).

Former Dewan Rakyat chairman said Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin should consider a “unity government” during this period, as the current political climate is not conducive to early elections.

He said one option would be to suspend Parliament (extend under Article 55 (2)) for the general safety of all Malaysians to prevent general elections from being called.

“If Parliament is extended, it should not be with the excuse of prolonging the Perikatan government, but for the safety of the Malaysians.

“As proof that the Perikatan government is serious and committed to addressing the Covid-19 pandemic, it is best that the Perikatan government undertake a cabinet shakeup and invite opposition leaders Pakatan Harapan to join the cabinet. “, He said.

In this way, Pandikar said that the politicking could be temporarily stopped until the Covid-19 situation ebbs.

He said the recently concluded Sabah state elections were a clear example of the threat the virus posed to the country now facing a third wave of the pandemic, which was previously under control.

Furthermore, he said, the political situation in Malaysia remained unstable with many uncertainties.

“In less than three years, we have seen three changes of government: Barisan to Pakatan and then to Perikatan.

“This in itself proves that there is instability and it is not healthy for the economy of the country that is now being challenged by Covid 19,” said Pandikar, the de facto leader of Usno.

He said the latest political development with Pakatan’s offer to form the next government also casts doubts among the people on whether the Perikatan government could pass the federal budget for 2021 that was due to come up soon.

If Parliament does not approve the 2021 budget, Pandikar said there were two constitutional options: dissolve Parliament or extend Parliament.
