Yahoo Groups will be closed, but what does this mean for your email?


If you still have a Yahoo mail account, you have probably noticed an email announcement made by Yahoo. You have decided to close Yahoo Groups on December 15, 2020.

“Yahoo Groups has seen a steady decline in usage over the past few years. During that same period, we have witnessed unprecedented levels of engagement across all of our properties as clients seek out trusted premium content. To that end, we sometimes have to make tough decisions regarding products that no longer fit our long-term strategy as we refine our focus on other areas of the business, ”Yahoo said.

As of December 15, the Groups website will close, which means that members will no longer be able to send or receive emails from them. But this does not mean that your email account is affected.

“The only thing being unsubscribed is Yahoo Groups ( and emails sent from Groups. Yahoo Mail will continue to function normally, ”Yahoo wrote on its FAQ page.

What will happen to my Yahoo Groups?

Yahoo Groups is a free email list system. It allowed members to subscribe to various groups, including craft groups and groups for single parents.

The creation of new groups is disabled since October 12. But you will still be able to join the groups until December 15, but I would not recommend it.

Yahoo has suggested some alternative sites for users to continue having group communications like Facebook Groups, Google Groups, and However, they recommend Nextdoor as the next best option, as it has a help page that tells you how to switch from Yahoo to your site.

For more information on closing Yahoo Groups, you can click here.
