Chinese netizens are angered by RM’s ‘6.25’ Statement and have Korean companies like Samsung and FILA remove all BTS ads in China.


Controversy is growing in China over BTS’s acceptance speech during the Van Fleet awards ceremony. While more Chinese netizens claim that BTS has “Chinese dignity ignored “ Korean companies like Samsung, FILAY Hyundai They are removing BTS products and ads from China. FILA has even removed all BTS-related posts online as well.

the Global times, an English edition of China’s state media outlet, reported on October 12 that sales of Galaxy S20 Plus BTS Edition and Galaxy Buds BTS Edition wireless headphones were suspended in Taobao or Jingdong, the largest Internet shopping malls in China.

The Global Times reported that Chinese netizens were angered by the Van Fleet Prize acceptance speech and what they said about the 70th anniversary of the Korean War. At the beginning of October 7, BTS leader RM delivered the speech at the Van Fleet Awards ceremony held online. The award is given to individuals or organizations that have contributed to relations between Korea and the United States. During the event, RM stated: “The Korea Society Gala 2020 is especially significant as this year marks the 70th anniversary of the Korean War. We will always remember the story of pain that our two nations shared together and the sacrifices of countless men and women. “

Some Chinese netizens raised a problem with RM’s use of the phrase “Two nations“representing the two countries of South Korea and the US Chinese netizens stated that BTS has”ignored the noble sacrifices of Chinese soldiers during the Korean WarThese Chinese netizens claim that BTS has ignored the sacrifices of Chinese troops who participated in the Korean War in the spirit of supporting North Korea against the United States and South Korea. In the 1950s, 130,000 Chinese soldiers , including Mao Anying, Mao Zedong’s eldest son, were killed in action when UN troops crossed the 38th parallel into North Korea.

It was revealed that a Chinese person cut and translated the video of RM’s speech to fit his own narrative. This video was broadcast on social media in China and the speech became controversial on Weibo, China’s largest social media outlet. Many Chinese netizens showed their patriotism and advocated for a boycott of Samsung products. Chinese netizens claimed: “We can never tolerate issues related to national dignity. “

Many of these Chinese netizens shared and posted screenshots of the Galaxy S20 BTS edition phones and stated: “Get rid of these Samsung phones immediately. “ This controversy escalated when the Global Times reported netizen responses. Finally, Samsung decided to stop selling BTS limited edition products in Chinese internet malls.

However, the Global Times reported that the products were recalled because there was no inventory.

Meanwhile, other Korean companies such as FILA and Hyundai have also teamed up to remove BTS-related content. FILA posted various photos and ads of BTS on Weibo from last year. However, the company has been removing all posts related to BTS from the news outlet. Hyundai Motors also removed all images and videos of BTS, who are the global hydrogen campaign ambassadors from Hyundai’s official Weibo account.

Currently, Samsung, FILA and Hyundai Motors have not made an official statement on this matter.

As the controversy spiraled out of control, the Chinese government took a stance to ease the situation. Zhao Lijian, the Foreign Minister, stated during a briefing: “We are paying attention to related reports and responses from Chinese Internet users. However, it is worth working together and we only seek peace and promote friendship while reflecting on history on our way to the future.”

After hearing about the controversy in China, many Korean netizens are expressing their anger at the country, stating, “Why would BTS talk about the sacrifice of the country that fought on the enemy side during the Korean War? “

Many Korean netizens are puzzled that Chinese soldiers fought on the side of North Korea during the Korean War. Korean netizens commented, “I don’t understand that these Chinese netizens are getting mad at a correct statement. “,” BTS is South Korean; therefore, they commemorate the South Korean and American soldiers. The Chinese people helped North Korea. “,” At times like this, I’m very proud that BTS only has Korean members. “
