Does Najib want to accuse Khairuddin? Look who’s talking


YOUR OPINION | Be careful what you wish for, Najib.

Najib wants Khairuddin indicted, cites widespread dissatisfaction

Bobby0: By right, both former Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities, Khairuddin Aman Razali, should be disqualified from their posts because they have violated the law. Only in this nation are politicians free to act normally.

With Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin renting out an illegitimate administration, he will further jeopardize his position. This has nothing to do with upholding the law, but with being crazy about power.

No wonder this nation is not moving forward, but is seriously slipping into a well.

As for the opposition paying hackers to defend them, Najib, it doesn’t always come down to money. It has to do with love for this nation.

So Najib, stop pointing fingers at others. Stop politicking for once and put the nation and its people above your selfish agenda.

William Tell: Yes, there is also widespread dissatisfaction with Najib, who continues to walk free after being convicted and convicted.

Since Najib has demanded that Khairuddin be charged, he must remember that he too has been charged and found guilty and as such his rightful place should be jail.

Vijay47: Najib’s call for the prosecution of Khairuddin to dispel “widespread dissatisfaction” is surely poetic expression in its most innocent form.

But be careful what you wish for, Najib, as the other poet Billy of Stratford-Upon-Avon said: “You yourself will see the act; Because, as you urge justice, rest assured that you will have justice, more than you want ”. Which, as they say in kampung, means “look at it, bro, you’ve got yours on the way.”

However, as you rush to speak fondly of Khairuddin, keep an eye out for DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang who will not rest until he brings the entire house of Umno and the rascals to their knees and from there to write pain in the breast from the earth.

And since Portia, the merchant of Venice, her loving heart cannot be stilled, she proceeds to plead with the banks to extend the loan moratorium.

Ah, the little joys and comforts of riches derived from honest effort, indeed its guiding light, for, again in the words of the Bardo: “Because I cannot raise money by bad means.”

The way home: Clearly, the antics displayed by the hypocritical and emboldened ‘bossku’ are similar to that of a ‘poacher turned gamekeeper’ by all accounts.

Seemingly emerging with little regard for the unspeakable guilt and shame he has brought to the nation and its citizens, the seemingly unrepentant and highly emboldened Najib has never ceased to outrageously display his ‘rock star’ aura and self-importance to preach. . and vehemently demonize his political enemies.

As always, the DAP, and in particular its formidable butler Lim, has been put in the crosshairs of their line of fire or chosen as the ‘scapegoat’ in Najib’s dire attempts to unfairly discredit and discriminate against popularity. progressive party. .

It would be helpful for Najib to make peace with himself and his creator by immersing himself and spending more proactive time in deep contemplation and honest reflection on the mistakes he has made in order to maintain his sense of dignity and sanity in preparation for his impending lengthy incarceration.

PeakyBlinder: To be honest, this is the only time I respect what Najib has to say. It is true that the opposition has wisely politicized the Khairuddin affair, but even so, that does not detract from the fact that there is an element of double standards.

Be a man: “I understand that the Ministry of Health and the Immigration (department) did not issue a mandatory quarantine order for him,” Najib said.

Even if it is true that Khairuddin did not receive a mandatory quarantine order, it is still a problem. Why was there a double standard? As long as there is a double standard, any Malaysian, not just Lim Kit Siang, has the right to insist and scold the issue until it is properly addressed.

ScarletPanda9731: If you ask random people about standard operating procedure (SOP), they will most likely tell you that they are tired of:

1. Double standards in the implementation of SOP;

2. No action against ministers who disobeyed the SOP;

3. Ordinary citizens are fined for violating the SOP;

4. Certain leaders who comment on other leaders when they themselves are at fault; Y

5. The pot calling the black kettle.

What is happening now? Can you blame ordinary people who blame leaders who are poor examples of truthfulness?

Failure to act against certain people shows weakness in leadership or fear of losing support. When self-preservation is more important than integrity, then those leaders have lost their moral compass.

No irregularities? Think again.

Adam Ningau: And is Khairuddin talking about Harapan hackers? Believe me, Muafakat Nasional has more. You cannot imagine the amount of defamatory statements and racist comments on the Muafakat Facebook group.

Day and night, they attack DAP and demonize non-Malays. If they are not paid, then they must be too free.

Malaysia4All: Cybertroopers of Harapan, my foot. Harapan does not (and cannot) resort to the use of cybertroopers, unlike a party like BN which is incredibly wealthy.

The rakyat are disgusted with Khairuddin’s offense and his escape charges when someone else would have been accused of doing the same. People who post things are not hackers, they are rakyats, my friend.

Appum: Najib oh Najib, you could have made a really good statement and had a greater effect if you had gone straight to the point of having officials charge Khairuddin for breaking the law.

But since you have more Umno blood than anything else, you must mention and blame Lim and the DAP for this matter. See, you could have saved a few points to redeem, but instead, you’ve made the context of your message cheaper.

By the way, I’m unemployed now, can anyone give me a hint to convert or apply to be a cyber-rooper?

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