Malaysia seizes 6 Chinese fishing boats and arrests 60 in East Johor, Southeast Asia news and news


KOTA TINGGI (THE STAR / ASIA NEWS NETWORK) – The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) detained six illegal Chinese fishing boats in waters east of Johor and took the 60 people who were board.

MMEA’s Tanjung Sedili area director Captain Mohd Zulfadli Nayan said the ships from Qinhuangdao, China, were spotted at two separate locations during an agency operation around 9 am on Friday (October 9).

“We had previously received a notice from the Johor Port Authority about the boats that had entered illegally. Our patrol team found the boats about 2.1 nautical miles and 2.3 nautical miles and three of them were found floating one near the other, “he said.

He added that in total, the ships carried six captains and 54 crew members, all of Chinese nationality and between 31 and 60 years old.

Zulfadli said the 60 were arrested after failing to present the authorities’ permits to conduct activities and anchor in Malaysian waters, adding that the ships were also detained at Tanjung Sedili MMEA for investigations.

“Administrators and agents of foreign fishing vessels are advised to obtain valid permits from the Department of Fisheries before undertaking any activity in our waters, including repairs and the transfer of gasoline,” he said.

The case is being investigated under a section of the Fisheries Act for failing to inform the department for entering state waters, which carries a fine of no more than RM6 million (nearly S $ 2 million) and RM600,000 for each member of the the crew on board.

Mr. Zulfadli added that the case was also being investigated under a section of the Merchant Marine Ordinance for illegal anchoring, which carries a fine of up to RM 100,000 or jail, or both, upon conviction.
