All programs of the Ministry of Sports will be postponed until October 31


COVID-19 | All programs envisaged by the Ministry of Youth and Sports and its agencies should be postponed until October 31, said Minister Reezal Merican Naina Merican.

However, he added that the daily training of full-time athletes under the jurisdiction of the National Sports Council (MSN) and the National Sports Association would continue as scheduled.

In a statement last night, he said the decision was made based on the latest developments related to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has caused concern to all stakeholders, including sports fans in general.

“This, to some extent, has affected the operation of national athlete training programs.

However, outdoor sports programs and events can be continued in accordance with SOP guidelines, as well as directives from the National Security Council and the Ministry of Health.

“All athletes must also comply with movement restrictions, that is, only travel from their respective hostels to training venues, including gyms or clinics, however, they are allowed to leave the hostel once a week to go to a specific place with the permission of the coaches and team leaders, ”he said.

He said the directives and proactive measures being implemented were part of a preventive approach aimed at reducing the risk of Covid-19 infections in training centers and dormitories to allow daily training to continue in a safe and conducive environment.

Meanwhile, he said that athletes, coaches and officials involved in full-time training and staying at the MSN training center shelter were prohibited from returning to their places of origin from October 12 to October 31, except in cases of emergency.

On the other hand, he said that those who had traveled to conditional motion control order (MCO) areas in Sabah, Kedah, Klang or other yellow and red areas in the last week were prohibited from returning to the MSN training center shelter until October 31st. .

Reezal Merican said that all athletes, coaches and sports officials in the country were asked to continue to comply with the latest health directives and advice given by the government from time to time, as well as to refrain from attending programs that involve large crowds.

The number of new daily Covid-19 infections across the country began rising to triple digits on October 1 and peaked at 691 last Tuesday.

Yesterday, 354 new cases and three deaths were reported, bringing the national death toll to 155 since the pandemic hit our shores earlier this year.

While most of the infections have been concentrated in Sabah and Kedah, groups have also emerged in other states, some caused by returnees from Sabah.

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