Money Laundering: 13 Senior Police Officers Record Statements So Far, MACC Source Says


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): So far, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has called in a total of 13 high-ranking police officers in connection with investigations of an online gambling and money laundering syndicate.

A MACC source said two of them are department heads and deputy department directors in a contingent of state police, both with the rank of Deputy Commissioner of Police (ACP).

“The other three senior officers are district police chiefs, two of whom are ACP while the other has the rank of superintendent.

“Besides that, eight other police officers were also summoned to give their statements on the case,” he told Bernama on Saturday (October 10).

On the first day (October 9), the director of the Bukit Aman Department of Integrity and Compliance, Datuk Zamri Yahya, said that the police had initiated internal investigations of all police personnel arrested in connection with the case.

All arrested officers and staff were suspected of abusing their power to protect the union and receive rewards in cash and in kind.

Meanwhile, Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Abdul Hamid Bador has ordered a detailed investigation to be carried out after the arrests.

On October 8, MACC Chief Commissioner Datuk Seri Azam Baki said his men had tracked down hundreds of fictitious union-linked companies that were created to mislead authorities.

MACC had also seized 23 luxury vehicles, including a Mustang, Rolls Royce, Bentley, Ferrari, and Porsche, as well as several high-powered motorcycles believed to have been purchased for illicit union profits.

Prior to this, the MACC had also called in an artist couple to assist in the investigation into the money laundering activities. – Bernama
