Meghan Markle News: The Duchess of Sussex and Prince Harry must end electoral interference | Royal | News


The letter was sent by Congressman Jason Smith, who represents Missouri’s eighth congressional district in the House of Representatives. He argued that since Harry and Meghan are still members of the British Royal Family, their political comments amount to “an inappropriate act of domestic interference” by the UK.

Smith wrote: “By allowing the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to retain their titles and to continue these political comments, the British government is effectively sanctioning interference in the 2020 United States Presidential elections by officials of the highest level. of the British establishment. “

In September, Harry urged Americans to “reject hate speech, misinformation and negativity online” during the upcoming elections.

Meanwhile, Meghan awaited the November poll “the most important election of our life” and urged American to register to vote.

In the letter to Dame Karen Pierce, the British Ambassador, Mr Smith said: “I am writing to express my concern for Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their continued interference in the US presidential elections.

As you know, the British Royal Family has long observed a policy of strict neutrality when it comes to political affairs.

“I am therefore concerned by the recent comments by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex regarding the United States presidential election, especially given the international conversations about foreign interference in our election and the Duke’s status as a guest of the United States. .

“These actions represent a serious violation of the British Royal Family’s policy of political neutrality and an inappropriate act of domestic interference by one of our closest allies.”

Mr. Smith described Meghan’s political views as “thinly disguised and widely publicized.”

READ MORE: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will speak in a new podcast episode

He replied, “I’m not a fan of hers. And I would say this, and she has probably heard it, but I wish Harry the best of luck, because he’s going to need it. “

In response to comments from Harry and Meghan, royal officials insisted that they had been made in a personal capacity and did not represent the views of the Royal Family in general.

However, Mr. Smith rejected this argument: “The titles and privileges that they retain with the permission of Her Majesty the Queen, granted with the advice and consent of their government, prevent the Duke and Duchess from separating comments made by title staff of his official position within the British royal family. “

Harry and Meghan currently live in a house recently bought for £ 11.2 million north of Los Angeles.

As a foreign citizen, the Duke has no right to vote in elections, nor could he vote in UK elections due to his royal position.

However, Meghan, who retained her American citizenship after joining the Royal Family, has this right.

After Harry’s comments, royal biographer Robert Jobson told the BBC that “it would be better” for him to leave the line of succession to “avoid further confusion.”

Good Morning Britain co-host Piers Morgan argued that the queen should strip the Duke and Duchess of their titles after the comments.

Americans go to the polls on November 3 to elect their next president, although due to the coronavirus an unprecedented number are expected to vote early by mail.

Joe Biden, the Democratic Party candidate, is currently the frontrunner to defeat Trump for the presidency.
