Sound exodus


PETALING JAYAWith the conditional motion control order (CMCO) for Klang taking effect today, residents of the royal city of Selangor were seen heading to other areas yesterday before the midnight deadline.

Sun checks yesterday on Klang’s Kota Bridge, which spans 438m, showed that it was jammed with hundreds of vehicles heading towards Petaling Jaya and elsewhere.

Klang MP Charles Santiago said he was surprised by the number of vehicles leaving the city.

He added that the decision to close its borders “did not have the contribution of the government of the state of Selangor.”

“It took us by surprise,” he said here after attending a statewide National Security Council meeting.

Adding to people’s problems, he said, most began to panic and buy essentials in supermarkets.

“I do not blame them. We need a clear guideline or directive from the (federal) government, ”he said.

For commercial operators, it was a return to the starting point just when they were beginning to recover.

The restaurant’s owner, Chen Tam Chai, said he was frustrated when he learned that the government would ban travel in and out of Klang.

“We were about to have some income after the MCO was lifted,” Chen said yesterday at his restaurant.

Chen, 58, is one of 1.1 million Klang residents who will be affected by the recently announced closure.

With 16 full-time employees to support, Chen said, “It’s not an option for me to close the store. By hook or by crook, I still need to keep the business alive. The store has only existed for a year and a half. There are not many benefits yet. “

He said that the store used to have a monthly turnover of RM 100,000.

“However, as of March, the revenue was only RM60,000 and I think they will see a further 20% drop with the CMCO,” he added.

“I have been in business for the last 30 years. I find this (pandemic) truly challenging, ”he said.

Meanwhile, Chief Minister (Defense) Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob said that the CMCO will only apply to sub-districts and not the entire district.

“Following the advice of the Ministry of Health and the mentri besar of Selangor, we have decided that the CMCO in Klang will only apply to the sub-district (Mukim Klang),” he added.

Ismail Sabri also explained that there have been several changes to the standard operating procedures (SOPs) for the conditional MCO.

He said restaurants, stalls and street vendors can only serve customers via takeout, delivery or car service and can only operate from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Public transport services such as bus, taxi and e-hailing will be able to operate from 6 am to midnight and Port Klang will continue to operate as usual.

Night markets will not yet be allowed, but wholesale markets can operate from 4 a.m. to 2 p.m., markets from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., and farmers markets from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m.
