Covid-19: New cluster identified in S’wak, index case returned by Sabah on October 2


KUCHING: A new Covid-19 cluster has been identified in Sarawak involving a man who returned from Sabah on October 2, says Datuk Amar Douglas Uggah.

The chief deputy minister said Bah Arnab’s group in Kuching was detected after 16 close contacts from the index case were examined, which was reported to be positive on October 6.

He said that three of the contacts, who lived in the same house as the index case, tested positive on Thursday (October 8).

“The group is under control as it only involves close relatives.

“However, the state Department of Health is actively conducting further investigation and contact tracing to prevent a more serious spread,” he said at the state disaster management committee briefing here on Thursday (October 8). .

The three cases in the new group are among eight new Covid-19 cases reported in Sarawak on Thursday, bringing the state’s tally to 732.

Uggah said four were local broadcasts, two cases imported from abroad and one case from Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah.

In addition to the three locally transmitted cases in Bah Arnab’s group, the other local transmission involved close contact of a case that tested positive on October 6 after returning from Tawau to Bintulu.

The two cases imported from abroad involved Indian nationals who arrived in Miri on October 4 to work for a private company.

They underwent a 14-day quarantine upon arrival in Kuala Lumpur on September 17 and tested negative twice before continuing their journey to Miri, where they were also quarantined.

On October 7, they underwent another test at a private hospital in Miri and came back positive.

Another case involved a man who traveled to Selangor from September 22 to 27 to visit relatives.

She decided to get tested on October 6 because she had had a fever since September 27 and her result came back positive on October 8.

The eighth new case involved a man who traveled to Sabah from September 19 to 27.

He was given a home quarantine order upon arrival in Kuching and tested positive on October 7 in a test conducted on the 10th day of quarantine.
