Now Sabah STAR ‘changes its tune’ on the inclusion of the PAS member in the state assembly


KOTA KINABALU: President of Sabah STAR Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan (Photo) he has “changed his tune” on including a PAS member in the state assembly as a nominated representative.

In a statement, the chief deputy minister said that his party’s position is that any party that is not compatible with Sabah’s multicultural ways should be rejected.

Just two hours after the party downplayed the appointment of a PAS member as designated assemblyman. Jeffrey had said it was not a problem as it was not a ministerial position when The Star contacted him on Thursday (October 8).

Congratulating the new state cabinet lineup who was sworn in today and who he believed would put Sabah back on the path to prosperity, Jeffrey said that sadly the appointment of Sabah PAS Secretary Dr. Aliakbar Gulasan as one of the six nominated assemblymen has opened the current state government to criticism.

“PAS leaders have repeatedly issued statements that altered the feelings and sentiments of multicultural and multi-religious Sabah.

“This statement, however, should not be construed as an attack on Aliakbar’s personality.

“I am aware of your public disapproval (of Aliakbar) of the statement of a PAS leader recently when the latter made erroneous and sensitive comments on the Bible in Parliament.

“The comment deeply offended Christians in Sabah and Sarawak and Aliakbar, like Sabahan, is in touch with the reality of Sabah,” Jeffrey said, stating that the problem was not personally with Aliakbar but with the party focused on religion.

Jeffrey said that ultimately the appointment of designated assembly members was the prerogative of the Chief Minister.

“Aliakbar is an appointed assemblyman without ministerial functions. He has not been appointed to the state Department of Native Affairs and Law as rumored by DAP and Warisan, ”added Jeffrey.

He said that what is responsible now is to see things from all perspectives and that politics should be left in the background for now, as the new alignment of the state cabinet focuses on work.
