Abah is fast becoming a neglectful parent


A few months ago, if you asked your friends who don’t follow politics what they think of Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, he would be considered a solidarity leader. A savior. A father figure. Abah.

Such was the Machiavellian nature of the Bersatu president’s propaganda machine that even through the public round of his “scheme of things”, Muhyiddin successfully slipped into the perception of the rakyat.

Well, it helps when his speeches are nothing more than televised monologues. Because nothing will derail this loving “abah” narrative, much less the questions of some annoying reporters.

Yet this literal and twisted version of government paternalism appears to be moving rapidly on its course. Day by day, the facade begins to fade. Yesterday Muhyiddin’s lethargic attempts to bewitch produced nothing but self-harm.

There is nothing humorous about 619 new cases of Covid-19, the worst so far in the history of our country. However, this abah saw fit to joke about whipping his stubborn “sons” with a rattan.

The same day that a one-year-old Semporna child became the latest victim of the pandemic? Extremely unnecessary and deservedly so, it received a universal reaction.

Muhyiddin claims there is no double standard for enforcing Covid-19 resolutions. Ironic, considering a pink bracelet was missing from her wrist.

All Malaysians are the same, but it seems that some are more equal than others. Lest we forget, it’s also been a staggering 92 days since his minister of plantation and commodity industries made a “semi-official” trip to Turkey and refused to comply with the mandatory quarantine. What about the investigation of your case? Absolute silence.

It should be clear by now that abah has favorites. His “golden son” are the deputies who supported him as prime minister.

From government-linked companies to ministerial positions, it is no secret all the lavish benefits they have received. However, his house is still out of commission, and if the rumors are true, it is on the brink of collapse.

Speaking of a collapse, our nation’s severe resistance against Covid-19 certainly did so in recent days and Muhyiddin himself has admitted that it is the fault of the recent Sabah elections.

An election that would never happen if he did not send his successor in the Interior Ministry portfolio to go “adún shopping” in Sabah.

Musa Aman’s sudden alignment with Perikatan Nasional during the elections also showed that this was not even the doing of Barisan Nasional, but just another meticulous part of Muhyiddin’s scheme of things.

A scheme of things that has seen its National Security Council relax Covid-19 quarantine rulings amid a surge in cases during elections. Why? So that its ministers could roam freely after the elections without being subject to self-quarantine. An act of negligence that resulted in the emergence of the “cluster of ministers”.

With all due respect, Malaysia does not need an abah but a strong prime minister. From his actions and those of his government, we know that his jurisdiction is as absent as his mandate from the rakyat.

It is becoming clear that this self-proclaimed abah is fast becoming a neglectful parent. – October 7, 2020.

* Saiful Ridzaimi reads The Malaysian Insight.

* This is the opinion of the author or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insight.
