Hong Kong defends dismissal of teachers over “independence” lesson | Hong Kong


The teachers union denounces the decision of the education office to terminate the teachers; Lam promises to get rid of the ‘bad apples’.

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam has defended the city’s controversial decision to strip an elementary school teacher of his job for allegedly spreading the message of “independence” through his classroom lessons.

The Hong Kong bureau of education said in a statement that it canceled the teacher’s enrollment “to protect the interest of students and safeguard the professionalism of teachers and public confidence in the teaching profession.”

At a press conference on Tuesday, the city’s executive director said the education department’s move was based on the “premises” that a “serious” crime was committed to “defame the country” and the Hong Kong government. “without foundation”.

Lam added that canceling a teacher’s registration is a “very serious penalty” under the city’s education rules and the order “shows the seriousness of the case” against the unidentified teacher.

She described the teacher’s action as similar in severity to criminal and sexual offenses punishable by deregistration.

In a separate press conference later Tuesday, Education Secretary Kevin Yeung said he wanted to remove the “black sheep” from the system, adding that he is “upholding the dignity of educators and the public trust in them. “.

He said that discussions about Hong Kong’s independence are “unnecessary” and should be banned in school settings.

Critics say the move is further proof of the government’s effort to clamp down on free speech and academic freedom in the city, after China passed a national security law in July criminalizing loosely defined “separatism.” and foreign interference in between. Autonomous City.

Teachers union to appeal the case

According to the city’s education office, the teacher’s action “could not have been simply an oversight,” because it would require an effort to formulate the lessons and create the teaching materials.

The office accused the teacher of misrepresenting the content of the teaching materials, causing further harm to the students.

Students and other young people make up the majority of Hong Kong residents who have joined the pro-democracy protests.

According to a Bloomberg report, as of May, people under the age of 18 make up a fifth of the 9,000 detained in the city.

In a statement, the Hong Kong Professional Teachers Union said it would appeal the teacher’s case, calling the punishment “unacceptable” and “extreme.”

“The office did not listen seriously to the teacher’s defense, unilaterally took the ruling and issued a written condemnation and warning to the school principal and teachers, respectively. It is a despicable act of intimidating the school management, ”the union said.

Joshua Rosenzweig of Amnesty International added that the government’s action “sends an ominous message” to its educators “about the risks of discussing current affairs, politics and human rights in the classroom.”

“The removal of his teacher registration for ‘spreading pro-independence messages’ illustrates how freedom of expression is increasingly eroding in Hong Kong, especially since the enactment of the national security law,” Rosenzweig said.

Since launching large protests in Hong Kong last year, Chinese authorities in Hong Kong have been calling on the government to “cut off” the “black hands” within the city’s educational system.

Former Hong Kong CEO Leung Chun-ying also supported the alleged purge of the system and called on the government to identify teachers convicted of professional misconduct.
