Covid-19: Government ‘Sensible Decision’ Not To Implement OLM Nationwide, Says Lam Thye


PETALING JAYA: The government made a “sensible decision” not to implement a movement control order (MCO) at the national level, but to opt for specific enhanced MCOs to deal with the latest spike in Covid-19 cases, says Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye (Photo).

In a statement on Wednesday (October 7), Lee praised the government’s move, but also asked why authorities had not monitored, screened, and isolated Covid-19 prisoners and detainees prior to the outbreak in prisons and detention centers. detention.

The president of the Alliance for Safe Community said this could have contained the current third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, as everyone was confined and not roaming the streets.

“Although more than half of the increase in cases is confined to prisons and detention centers, we must not take the problem lightly.

“On the contrary, we must consider each increase in cases as serious and recognize the need to adopt the correct response to flatten the curve again.

“It has been pointed out that the cause of the increase in infections is the prisoners and detainees, but they are not people who roam the streets.

“They live in confined places where it is easy to monitor, evaluate, and isolate carriers of the disease. Why wasn’t this done earlier?” Lee asked.

He said that while the government has announced various measures to control the rate of transmission of the virus, it is up to everyone, from leaders to the people, to follow standard operating procedures (SOPs).

“Given our current circumstances, we cannot afford another national shutdown, as it will have disastrous consequences on the economy and people’s livelihoods.

“We need to intensify efforts to stop community broadcasts through community empowerment and strict law enforcement.

“If we are to win the war against Covid-19, we have to rely on all Malaysians to play their part to fully comply with all SOPs.

“While the people have to do their part, political leaders and politicians must also set the right example and fully comply with all SOPs.

“They must show leadership by example. After having gone to such an effort to flatten the curve, why would the rakyat possibly have to undergo another period of motion control due to the irresponsible acts of others?” Lee asked.

Malaysia is currently facing an increase in the number of Covid-19 cases.

Some Peninsular Malaysian politicians who were in Sabah for the state elections have been blamed for ignoring standard operating procedures and testing positive for Covid-19 upon return.
