Federal court confirms death sentence of former sawmill worker for murder and rape of nurse


PUTRAJAYA (Bernama): A former sawmill worker who raped a nurse after cutting the woman in the neck will be hanged for her death, having failed in his last attempt to overturn the death penalty, after the Federal Court here he will dismiss your appeal on Thursday (October 7).

A three-member Federal Court panel, led by the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal, Tan Sri Rohana Yusuf, unanimously dismissed the appeal of Mohammad Awari Ahmad, 27, against the death sentence imposed by the Kota Baru High Court. after finding him guilty of murdering the wife of an auxiliary police officer.

Sitting with Rohana were Judges Datuk Vernon Ong Lam Kiat and Datuk Seri Hasnah Mohammed Hashim.

Earlier, Deputy Prosecutor Datuk Nazran Mohd Sham asked the court to dismiss the appeal and uphold the death sentence imposed on Awari for his heinous act, which was observed by the victim’s five-year-old son.

“The actions of the appellant were brutal, aggressive and vicious. After cutting her neck, the appellant raped her, while she was bleeding from the wound.

“The victim suffered 11 wounds to the neck and hands. In this case, the appellant used a machete to cut the right and left side of the victim’s neck. This clearly demonstrated that the appellant intended to kill,” he said.

After stabbing and raping the victim, Nazran said Awari had stolen RM200 and a mobile phone that belonged to the 25-year-old victim and had gone to “celebrate” by drinking seven bottles of liquor at a restaurant.

According to the evidence in the case, the victim’s husband returned home from work at 2 a.m. on March 1, 2015 and saw his wife, who was naked, covered in a blanket on the road in front of their house and then ran to his father’s house. nearby to seek help.

She then found her three children, after six months, three years and five years, on a blood-soaked mattress in the house.

The woman was sent to Gua Musang Hospital and died at 6.40 a.m. the same day. Before her death, she was able to write a note stating the identity of the person who raped, hacked and stole her.

Awari, in his defense, said the victim woke up and was shocked to find him in the room after he broke into the house to rob.

Earlier, his lawyer, Ahmad Nizam Mohamed, said that his client had no intention of killing and that he should be punished for manslaughter that does not amount to murder.

Rohana, issuing the decision, said that after studying the appeal file and the reasons for the judgment of the High Court judge and confirmed by the Court of Appeal, the court is satisfied that both courts did not make any mistakes.

He said that the Superior Court judge had studied the evidence in the case and decided on the element of intent established by the prosecution.

He also said that supporting evidence, such as that from eyewitnesses, showed that the evidence in the appeal file about the defendant’s action was very strong.

“We found that there is no reason that could make us change the decision of the two courts. With this, we find the appellant’s conviction secure. For these reasons, we dismiss the appellant’s appeal and affirm the conviction and sentence, ”she added.

Mohammad Awari, who appeared calm after the decision was rendered, was also convicted by the High Court of raping the woman and sentenced to 18 years in prison and 12 strokes of the baton.

However, today’s proceedings focused on the appeal of the death penalty.

He was charged with murdering and raping the woman between 12:20 AM and 2:00 AM at a house in Kampung Batu Papan, Gua Musang, Kelantan, on March 1, 2015. – Bernama
