Interior Minister tests negative for Covid-19


COVID-19 | Interior Minister Hamzah Zainudin tested negative for Covid-19 after he underwent the swab test on Monday.

His press secretary, Zulkifli Bujang, when contacted by Called, confirmed the matter.

Hamzah was among the cabinet members who attended the meeting of the National Security Council (MKN) on Saturday, which was also attended by the Minister of the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs), Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri, who subsequently gave positive for Covid-19.

Following this, Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said that all close contacts, including cabinet ministers, who attended the meeting received a Home Surveillance Order (HSO) for 14 days starting on October 3 and were told to wear a watch bracelet.

Muhyiddin also reported that he would undergo a two-week self-quarantine on the advice of the Health Ministry.

The Director General of Health, Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, who attended the MKN meeting, is also in home quarantine.

– called

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