2 suspects detained by police in connection with a woman’s body found in Jalan Aman, Sibu


The suspects were arrested by the police at a house in Jalan Tong Sang.

SIBU (Oct 6): Police arrested two suspects in connection with the discovery of the body of a woman with her legs tucked inside a black suitcase at Jalan Aman here today.

Sibu Police Chief ACP Stanley Jonathan Ringgit said the suspects, who are believed to be 30 years old, were detained by police at a house in Jalan Tong Sang here at around 3.45pm.

He said the suspects, a man and a woman, were known to the victim, who had been identified as Heng Meow Lin, 37, who is believed to be from Perak.

The victim’s last known address was Jalan Tiong Hua here, he added.

“We were able to trace the identity of the victim from a MyKad number written on one of the documents found on the body.

“A quick background check using the same MyKad number found that the victim had a criminal record for vice. The information then led us to the two suspects, ”he said when they met at the place where the suspects were arrested.

Stanley said a letter found with the body also indicated that the victim had a 16-year-old daughter, who is believed to have been staying with her family in Perak.

The letter was addressed to the victim’s daughter.

“The body was found lying on the ground by passers-by around 6.30 am, who immediately alerted the police.

“We believe she died a few hours before being discovered, with bruises on her face and neck.

“No other visible wounds or weapons were found at the scene,” he said.

The victim was fully clothed, with his legs placed inside a black suitcase.

“There were two towels near the body. There were no jewelry or watch. The victim was barefoot.

“We have to wait for an autopsy to determine the cause of death,” he said.

He said the case has been classified as murder and that police are investigating the motive.
