Don’t blame politicians for the Covid-19 spike, says Perak MB


Ahmad Faizal Azumu says that the Covid-19 pandemic can be controlled if people continue to comply with SOPs.

IPOH: Menteri Besar Ahmad Faizal Azumu today urged the public to remain calm and not blame politicians for the increase in new cases of Covid-19.

He reminded them that the virus does not choose its victims and that anyone can become infected.

“Whether it’s the president of the United States or an ordinary citizen, anyone can get infected,” he told reporters on the sidelines of an event here.

Malaysia recorded a record 432 new infections yesterday, with the number of active cases currently at more than 2,000.

More recently, Prime Minister’s Department Minister (Religious Affairs) Zulkifli Mohamad Al-Bakri tested positive for the virus, forcing Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin and other ministers to undergo home quarantine.

Faizal said it was not necessary for Perak to follow other red-zone states to cancel programs involving crowds, as the recent surge in Covid-19 cases occurred in certain areas, such as prisons, and not due to meetings or events. .

“This means that it has spread into closed areas, and if people continue to comply with SOPs by practicing physical distancing, washing their hands and maintaining personal hygiene, the pandemic can be controlled,” he said.

He said Perak would continue to comply with the SOPs under Putrajaya’s recovery motion control order.

