Factbox: Trump White House, Campaign Staff Who Tested Positive for COVID-19


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – News of President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis has disrupted the campaign for the US presidential election that enters its final month and affected stock markets, raising questions about succession. and it has prompted White House advisers to insist that Trump will stay busy, if he changes. , calendar.

Hope Hicks, a close adviser to the president who often traveled with him on presidential planes Air Force One and Marine One, tested positive for the illness caused by the novel coronavirus on Thursday.

After Trump tweeted that he and his wife, Melania, tested positive for COVID-19 on Friday morning, Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel, who has had frequent contact with Trump, said she tested positive for the virus. and was quarantined at her home in Michigan.

Trump and some other Republicans have avoided social distancing, wearing masks and other protocols that health officials recommend to stop the spread of the virus.

Here are other Trump and White House campaign staff who have tested positive for COVID-19 in recent months:

– US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien in late July. Prior to the Trump infection, O’Brien was the highest-ranking administration official to test positive for the virus. O’Brien had mild COVID symptoms and returned to work on August 4.

– Katie Miller, a spokesperson for Mike Pence, wife of Stephen Miller, a senior Trump adviser, in early May, forcing Pence to slightly delay a trip from Pence to Iowa.

– Kimberly Guilfoyle, senior Trump campaign advisor and girlfriend of Donald Trump Jr.

– Tom Phillipson, former acting chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers in early June. He told the Wall Street Journal about his infection after recovering and leaving the White House in late June.

– A member of the U.S. Navy who served as Trump’s personal valet tested positive in early May. The infection prompted daily tests for those who worked at the White House.

– A U.S. Marine assigned to Trump’s helicopter squad tested positive for the coronavirus in late July. The squad transports Trump and other senior White House officials aboard the Marine One helicopter.

– A worker in the cafeteria of the White House complex tested positive in late July. The cafeteria is located in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where some White House officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, have offices.

(Reporting by David Lawder; Editing by Heather Timmons and Alistair Bell)
