Airlines agree to reschedule flights for college students


Face-to-face enrollment of new students and return of existing students to all college campuses have been postponed.

KUALA LUMPUR: Airlines agreed to reschedule the flights of university students affected by the postponement of the enrollment process until December 31, announced the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE).

In a statement today, MoHE said they had discussed the matter with the airlines and asked for their consideration to reschedule flights, especially for students who had already purchased their tickets to return to their respective higher education institutions (IPT).

“MoHE has taken note of the opinions of all sectors on student safety following the increase in Covid-19 cases just days before the date of university registration.

“Therefore, the ministry has taken proactive steps to discuss this matter with the airlines,” he said.

In a separate statement, MoHE also said that physical or in-person registration for new students and the return of existing students to all college campuses had been postponed to a date to be announced later following the growing number of positive cases of Covid-19.

He said that the registration of students, as well as the teaching and learning processes, would be done online until further notice.

“The decision to postpone physical or in-person enrollment of students must be made for the safety and well-being of all sectors.

“For students who are already on campus and doing academic activities, they can stay on campus. All IPTs have been asked to make the necessary arrangements for the students, ”the statement said.

The MoHE also proposed that all activities involving mass gatherings on campus be postponed.
