The messages for sick Trump are divided between ‘get better’ and ‘I told you so’


(Reuters) – Receive positive messages for US President Donald Trump who arrived from foreign capitals on Friday after he and his wife tested positive for the coronavirus, but some had little sympathy for a leader whose response to the pandemic has been widely criticized.

Trump, who could be ousted from office on November 3, denies allegations that he downplayed the severity of the outbreak, as the world’s most powerful nation also became the hardest hit, accounting for about 20% of the population. global death toll exceeding one million this week.

Most diplomatic responses to the news that Trump, 74, and his wife Melania had tested positive for COVID-19 looked at the subtleties, while governments around the world weighed how it might affect the outcome of the US elections. next month.

“COVID-19 is a battle we all continue to fight. Every day. It doesn’t matter where we live,” European Council President Charles Michel said in a tweet, wishing America’s First Couple a speedy recovery.

But disappointed in Washington’s leadership during the global health crisis, some messages were full of stinging barbs.

“This shows that the virus does not spare anyone, including those who have shown skepticism. I wish him a speedy recovery,” said Gabriel Attal, French government spokesman.

If one of America’s most important allies in NATO sounded somewhat terse, there was no hiding the bitter satisfaction evident in China’s state-controlled media following the news that his country’s main antagonist had joined the party. list of COVID patients.

“President Trump and the first lady have paid the price of their bet to play down COVID-19,” tweeted Hu Xijin, editor-in-chief of the Chinese newspaper Global Times.

“The news shows the seriousness of the pandemic situation in the United States. It will have a negative impact on the image of Trump and the United States, and may also negatively affect his re-election.”

Just two weeks ago, Trump had told the UN General Assembly that China, where the virus first emerged late last year, should be held accountable for unleashing “this plague on the world.”

But it was only two days ago, during the bitter presidential debate, that Democratic rival Joe Biden criticized Trump for his handling of the crisis at home.

After reassuring Americans in January that the looming threat of the spread of the disease outside of China was “fully under control, and telling them in February that the virus would one day disappear” like a miracle, “Trump put his credulity to the test. in April suggesting that a disinfectant be injected to kill the virus.

The China Daily, the country’s official English newspaper, stacked:

“Since it emerged earlier this year, Trump, the White House, and his campaign have downplayed the threat and refused to adhere to basic public health guidelines, including those issued by his own administration, such as wearing masks in public and practice social distancing. Instead, Trump has continued to hold campaign rallies that draw thousands of followers. The virus has killed more than 200,000 Americans and infected more than 7 million across the country. “

Warmth and concern for Trump were most abundant in Israel and Taiwan, two governments that treasure their friendship with the United States.

“Like millions of Israelis, Sara and I are thinking of President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump and we wish our friends a full and speedy recovery,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tweeted, referring to his wife.

“The government and people of Taiwan support the United States at this time of trial,” the Taiwanese Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

(This story was resubmitted to correct a typo in paragraph 12)

(Written by Simon Cameron-Moore; Edited by Raissa Kasolowsky)
