Daughter of former Belgian king wins long battle to become princess


BRUSSELS (Reuters) – A Belgian artist who has fought a seven-year legal battle to prove that former King Albert II of Belgium is her father literally scored supreme success in court on Thursday when she officially became a princess.

The Belgian court of appeals awarded Delphine Boel the title of “Princess of Belgium” after the former monarch’s DNA test proved he was her father, Boel’s lawyers said in a statement, adding that Boel was “completely satisfied. “with the ruling.

DNA testing revealed in January that Albert II is Boel’s biological father, ending Boel’s long-standing paternity suit.

Albert, who abdicated six years ago in favor of his son Philippe, had long questioned Boel’s claim.

In addition to being recognized as a princess, Boel will change her surname to that of her father, Saxe-Cobourg. Her two children, Josephine and Oscar, will also receive royal titles and the right to be referred to as Her Royal Highness.

“A legal victory will never replace a parent’s love, but it does offer a sense of justice, further reinforced by the fact that many children who have been through the same ordeal will find the strength to face them there,” Boel’s attorneys said.

The sudden court ruling was a surprise. His decision was scheduled for October 29.

(Report by Marine Strauss @StraussMarine; Editing by Philip Blenkinsop, William Maclean)
