China Will Work With M’sia To Improve Covid-19 Vaccine Development, Says Outgoing Envoy Bai Tian


PETALING JAYA: China will work together with Malaysia to enhance cooperation in developing a vaccine for Covid-19, says China’s Ambassador to Malaysia Bai Tian (Photo).

He said China will continue to stand with Malaysia in the battle for control of the pandemic and economic recovery.

“In the future, China will work together with Malaysia and enhance our cooperation in vaccine development and resumption of production.

“We will continue to fight the battle to control the pandemic and economic recovery side by side, shoulder to shoulder.

“We will fight as one until we win as one,” he said in his speech during an online reception in conjunction with China National Day and his farewell on Thursday (October 1).

He noted that China also hopes to cooperate with all countries to promote international solidarity and cooperation and uphold multilateralism and international justice.

“Together we can end regional conflicts and global problems, together we can revive the global economy to return to growth and prosperity. Together we can build a better future for our children, ”he said.

Bai Tian said 2020 is a special year as he will conclude his term and return to China since taking office on November 28, 2017.

“I am going home in a few weeks, but my heart will stay here,” he said, adding that the many challenges in the past three years have strengthened the friendship and cooperation between Malaysia and China.

“The mutual trust between China and Malaysia has been strengthened, the prospects for our cooperation have broadened, the quality of our cooperation has become higher, and the resilience of our bilateral relations has become tougher.

“Now we have more friends in Malaysia from all walks of life,” he said.

Bai Tian pointed out that the bilateral economic cooperation between the two countries has gradually expanded from the lower industrial chain of manufacturing, commodity trade and contract construction to high-end electronics, biomedicine and green energy.

“Our bilateral trade volume, Chinese investment in Malaysia and the number of Chinese tourists visiting Malaysia continue to rise to new heights year after year.

“Our cooperation in science, education, culture, defense and other areas has yielded fruitful results,” he said.

Bai Tian also said that he would never forget a Malay proverb that he has repeated countless times, bukit sama didaki, lurah sama dituruni (together we overcome obstacles).

“It is a vivid testament to the deep friendship between two true friends who always come to help each other in times of need,” he said, adding that he would treasure all the great memories and bring them back to China.

Thanking Malaysia and the people’s support for him and the embassy, ​​Bai also expressed his wishes for Malaysia to have political stability and social harmony in the coming years.

“I hope that Malaysians will achieve more nation-building achievements and once again allow the world to hear the roar of the Asian Tiger. Wish China and Malaysia could continue to have close mutual trust and mutually beneficial cooperation, ”he added.
