iPhone SE is faster than the fastest Android smartphones, says Tim Cook


United States-based tech giant Apple has recently announced its new iPhone SE smartphone. Long rumors of the phone that both consumers and tech experts have been waiting for, this phone has officially come out with its affordable price. Now Apple CEO Tim Cook has made important statements about his new smartphone.

Apple made a financial statement for the first quarter of 2020. Apple CEO Tim Cook met with investors, while the company reported $ 58.3 billion in revenue under these disclosures. Cook made very bold statements about the iPhone SE during this meeting.

Answering questions about the SE 2020 model of the iPhone, Tim Cook gave a very clear answer to the question in which regions the iPhone SE will be most popular. Cook explained that the new iPhone model will be more preferred in low-income countries. Claiming that his new phone is priced very favorably, Cook said this move will push many consumers to use iOS.

Apple relies heavily on iPhone SE

Perhaps the boldest statement by Apple CEO Tim Cook about the SE was about the phone’s performance. Cook said the new iPhone is faster than even the best and fastest Android phone on the market, saying this is an incredible thing. With these explanations, Cook has shown in a sense how much he trusts the iPhone SE.

Tim Cook gave an evasive answer to the question of whether the competitive price of the new iPhone shows a change in the company’s general general pricing policy. According to Cook, Apple continues its efforts to always sell the best products at an affordable price. Cook said this is not specific to the iPhone SE, but Apple’s general pricing policy.

Tim Cook’s remarks revealed that the company is confident and hopeful of the new affordable iPhone model. In fact, the number of phone sales also explains the reason for this confidence and makes Apple smile.
