Covid-19 spreads faster in Selangor than in Sabah, says Director General of Health


KUALA LUMPUR (Bernama): Selangor has recorded a Rt of 1.95, much higher than Sabah, following an increase in daily new infections from two to three cases to 10 to 15 cases.

An Rt value indicates how fast COVID-19 is spreading.

Health Director General Tan Sri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah said he took into account the magnitude of the change and showed an increased risk of a pandemic in the state, if public health prevention measures are not taken.

“The Rt in Sabah has stabilized, although it was still at 1.29 on Tuesday (September 29). This situation remains worrying as it involves a high number of new cases.

“The Rt may go up if we don’t take optimal public health intervention measures,” he said in a Facebook post on Wednesday (September 30).

Meanwhile, the Rt in Kedah decreased from more than one (> 1) to 0.65, and is in line with the decline in cases in the state, which recorded only two cases in four days.

Dr Noor Hisham said the situation reflects good compliance with established standard operating procedures.

In this regard, he reminded Malaysians to continue to adhere to SOPs and measures set by the government. – Bernama
