Rosmah Money Laundering Case Set for Dec. 2, Pending End of Corruption Trial


Rosmah Mansor is on trial for Sarawak’s solar hybrid project and will later face multiple charges for money laundering.

KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court of Justice today set December 2 to bring up the 7 million ringgit money laundering case of Rosmah Mansor, pending the resolution of his corruption trial on the Sarawak solar hybrid project .

Trial judge Mohamed Zaini Mazlan set the date after Deputy Prosecutor Poh Yih Tinn told the court that the prosecution hoped to conclude its corruption case when the hearing resumes on October 5.

The prosecution is expected to call two more witnesses to the corruption case next week. Previously, the court had prioritized the process.

Rosmah is being tried on corruption charges, where she is accused of requesting RM187.5 million from Sarawak businessman Saidi Abang Samsudin as an incentive to help him secure the 369 school project in rural Sarawak, for a full value RM1.25 billion, through direct negotiation from the Ministry of Education.

She was also slapped with two counts of receiving RM6.5 million in cash from Saidi.

“Now we are at the end of the case. We hope to conclude our case next week, or at the latest in November, ”Poh said.

Rosmah’s attorney, Geethan Ram Vincent, urged the court to set another mention date, to allow the other defense team and members of the prosecution to submit written submissions and present their arguments.

Rosmah pleaded not guilty to 12 money laundering charges in 2018 amounting to RM7,097,750 and five charges for failing to report his income to the Internal Revenue Board from 2014 to 2018.
