McDonald’s Considering Legal Action After Fake Twitter Post Goes Viral


McDonald’s Malaysia said it is considering taking legal action against a Twitter user and netizens who shared the viral post it has labeled “false claims about our food.”

The fast food giant published in its Twitter account that he is currently seeking legal advice with a view to court proceedings, and warned that he would take action against anyone who tried to tarnish his brand or reputation.

“In this age where each individual has a voice and a platform on social media, we urge the public to be more aware of the content that is shared on social media so that no one questions reputation based on unsubstantiated claims and unverified, “he tweeted. .

He added that this also causes unnecessary fear and alarm among the population.

The tweet, titled McDonald’s Malaysia’s response to recent false claims on social media, was made in response to a post that went viral on September 20, which has since been removed by the original poster.

The person, who was also criticized by other Netziens, said it was a hasty decision and that the photo was of a fried chicken that had been left at room temperature for several days, causing it to burst.

McDonald’s said food safety is of the utmost importance to him and urged customers to use its official channels when seeking clarification.
