ADUN SPEAKS | Employment: mismatch with the needs of industries


ADUN SPEAKS | The head of the Employment Insurance System of the Social Security Organization (Socso), Mohd Sahar Darusman, wrote an interesting article in the Sunday star on September 27, entitled “Graduate Mismatch in the Labor Market.”

It is a long article, in which it explains the underemployment or even the unemployment of graduates in the private sector.

Sahar says there is a glaring mismatch of graduates in the job market, in other words, more and more graduates are accepting jobs intended for undergraduates.

Therefore, if this mismatch is not addressed, he thinks it could have serious implications for human resource development in the country.

Given the increase in the number of public and private universities in the last 20 years, graduates entering the job market are on the rise.

Between 2001 and 2016, graduate employment expanded by 7.2 percent.

However, this increase was more marked in undergraduate employment than in graduate employment.

This article is based on the underlying assumption that graduates are better trained and qualified than those who are not …
