The bottom-up feedback system needs to be strengthened


KUALA LUMPUR: Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (pix, has called for the bottom-up feedback system to be strengthened to ensure integration and cooperation on political issues and better coordination of action plans to reduce the mismatch between actual needs and plans in urban areas.

The Prime Minister said that this was important to understand the needs of various groups of people, as Malaysia faces many challenges as a rapidly developing nation.

“All of this undoubtedly requires concerted efforts by ministries and agencies at the national, state and local levels to work together and align our policies and strategies to ensure that our future growth is carried out in a more responsible, integrated and sustainable manner. ”. he said.

Muhyiddin spoke at the Malaysia Urban Forum (MUF) 2020 with the theme ‘The transformative path and actions to achieve the sustainable agenda’ here, today.

He said one of the challenges is population growth in urban areas, with 80 percent or 26 million people expected to reside in urban areas in 2030, up from 77 percent today.

“With such a large population in cities, we will face even more the challenge of meeting the needs of our urban societies: managing the waste generated, overcoming growing traffic and air pollution problems, providing affordable housing, ensuring sufficient access. to water, to supply uninterrupted energy, to provide quality access to public transport and telecommunications, as well as to overcome the severe flooding in cities ”, he added.

He said Malaysia also faces the challenge of changing demographic profile, where it will become an aging society by 2045 and 14 percent of its population will be 65 or older.

The Prime Minister said that this will bring new challenges in the needs of health services and the physical environment.

“Therefore, our cities and our urban environment must age and be gender-friendly as we prepare for this change in social profile. It is time for us to address the aging of society in our national development plans and reexamine our planning and physical development in order to meet the needs of the aging community, ”she said.

Muhyiddin said cities must also address the needs of the disabled and provide good quality public spaces for communities to come together, strengthen social cohesion and allow cities to highlight their local cultural identity.Called
