Klopp Says Premier League Should “100%” Provide Financial Support To EFL


For the past six months, COVID-19 has prevented viewers around the world from attending sporting events in person. One could be excused for thinking that fans can’t watch their favorite teams and athletes compete live and up close it certainly feels like a trivial complaint amid a global pandemic that has claimed the lives of nearly a million people as far as the date. However, it is proving to be a much more serious problem for teams and leagues that depend on game day revenue streams to stay in business.

For Liverpool and their Premier League counterparts, the loss of revenue from ticket sales, merchandise and concessions has certainly been felt, but most have the means to continue operating thanks to extremely lucrative television and sponsorship deals. Unfortunately, teams in the English Football League are much more dependent on match day income. Without this vital income stream, equipment folding is likely to be a question of when, not if.

There was some hope that the plan to start allowing limited fan attendance on a trial basis in early October was a sign that things were back to normal. However, as coronavirus cases are on the rise again in the UK, the Department for Culture, Media and Sports has announced that the ban on fans from attending sporting events will continue, possibly into the first few months of 2021.

With this announcement, the conversation of the Premier League providing financial support to the EFL has become more important. Although this is a complex issue that will likely require intense negotiation, many are recognizing the importance of the EPL supporting the EFL in its time of need. Jürgen Klopp, a man who has never been shy about expressing his belief that the haves should support the have-nots, was among those who spoke out in support of this financial aid proposal.

“In general, people in a better position should help people in a less good position, 100 percent,” Klopp said.

He acknowledged that the division between the EPL and the EFL makes things more difficult than in other football pyramids in Europe.

“I don’t understand the structure 100%,” Klopp admitted. “In Germany you have the Bundesliga and the 2. Bundesliga, so they have to share the problems to make things a little easier.”

However, there can be no doubt that despite the complications created by the structure at the top of the pyramid of English football and the financial losses of all clubs amid a global pandemic, Klopp believes that the Premier League still has an obligation to provide support. the EFL needs to stay afloat.

There is no general answer. People in a better position should help other people, but the position at the moment for all clubs is not really easy. I don’t know how the government finds time to think about it, but I understand 100%. So yes, football should try to help itself, ourselves, however we say it. I agree 100%. “

Klopp’s stance here should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with his political leanings and his desire for the fortunate to help the less fortunate, but that doesn’t mean it’s not encouraging to hear him speak about it anyway. It’s yet another example of how Klopp is a perfect match for the LFC on so many different levels.

It is also encouraging that Klopp is not the only coach asking the Premier League to provide financial assistance to the lower echelons of English football. Earlier this week, Chelsea paid for Barnsley’s coronavirus testing ahead of their Carabao Cup third round match, which coach Frank Lampard called “a sign that a Premier League club is doing the right thing.” . Lampard then went on to stress the importance of the Premier League lending a hand.

“I think it is important that the Premier League as a collective seeks to support the EFL, the lower leagues and grassroots football, absolutely,” Lampard said. “I started and a lot of the young players started in the Sunday league. I have managed in the Championship. I understand a lot of the difficulties clubs are having, so I think there can certainly be a conversation. “

Hopefully, Klopp and Lampard, managers of two “Big Six” clubs, speaking openly about helping the EFL get through these difficult times, will put additional pressure on the Premier League to find a way to provide much-needed financial assistance. A thriving soccer pyramid is good for everyone involved, and no one wants clubs to go bankrupt and more people lose their jobs as a result of this pandemic that has already caused so many headaches and hardships around the world.
