Umno May Win Big If Anwar Achieves Plan, Say PH Experts And Analysts


Between 12 and 15 deputies from Umno are said to support Anwar Ibrahim in his attempt to form a new government.

PETALING JAYA: Umno wins the most if opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim is to form the next government, say Pakatan Harapan (PH) analysts and insiders.

They say that several Umno MPs are supporting Anwar in the hope that his move will trigger new elections, which the party can seize on.

According to a PH leader, so far 12-15 MPs from Umno have pledged their support for Anwar, and others from Sabah and Sarawak are waiting for him to have an audience with the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

“Umno MPs are backing Anwar with the intention of triggering new elections as soon as possible, and they may be considering taking control of the country by obtaining a larger mandate.

“These are the parliamentarians who do not want PPBM to lead the coalition,” the leader, who asked not to be identified, told FMT.

He said the “current understanding” is for Anwar to be the prime minister and a deputy from Umno to be appointed as his deputy.

“This would also depend on how many MPs from Sabah and Sarawak join the new coalition.”

Another PH leader said Anwar currently has the backing of 38 MPs from PKR, 42 from DAP, 11 from Amanah and nine from Warisan, excluding those from Umno and Sabah and Sarawak who are expected to join him.

Awang Azman Pawi

“PPBM may have to think of ways to stay relevant while the jostling continues or it may get crushed,” he said.

Political analyst Awang Azman Pawi from Universiti Malaya said the next few weeks will be crucial as the nation awaits further announcements from Anwar after his audience with the King.

However, Awang Azman hoped that any new coalition that is formed will not trigger snap elections as the country is still exposed to the dangers of Covid-19.

“The next general election will only be held in 2023. Let’s wait until then and focus on reducing the number of cases and improving the economy,” he said.

James Chin of the Asia Institute at the University of Tasmania said Anwar has yet to show the number of MPs who support him.

James chin

“Even those who support him now could change at the last minute,” Chin told FMT.

But assuming most MPs support Anwar, he said, Anwar and Umno would be the biggest winners if the Perikatan Nasional-led government falls.

“Almost everyone ruled him out after several attempts to become prime minister. Now, if he has the numbers, he will come back, ”he said.

Yesterday, at a press conference, Anwar affirmed that he had the majority support to form a new government.

“The support I have is overwhelming. I am not talking about four, five or six (new MPs supporting Anwar), I am talking about much more than that, ”he said.

Istana Negara later confirmed that the king had agreed to grant Anwar an audience yesterday, but that it was postponed after the king was admitted to the National Heart Institute (IJN).
