President Xi opposes “world boss” in UN speech


BEIJING, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) – Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday shared his thoughts on the role of the United Nations (UN) in the post-COVID era, opposing unilateralism, intimidation, or any country acting like ” boss of the world. ” “

Xi made the remarks at a high-level meeting to mark the UN’s 75th anniversary.

Stressing that the UN must stand firm for justice, Xi said that no country has the right to dominate global affairs, control the destiny of others or keep development gains to itself.

“Still less should one be allowed to do whatever he wants and be the hegemon, the bully or the boss of the world,” Xi said.

He said that it is imperative that the representation and voice of developing countries increase so that the UN can be more balanced in reflecting the interests and wishes of the majority of the countries of the world.

Emphasizing that the UN must uphold the rule of law, Xi said that relations between countries and the coordination of their interests should only be based on rules and institutions.

“They should not be dominated by those who wave a strong fist against others,” Xi said.

Large countries must lead by example defending and defending the international rule of law and fulfilling their commitments, he added.

“There should be no practice of exceptionalism or double standards. Nor should international law be distorted and used as a pretext to undermine the legitimate rights and interests of other countries or world peace and stability,” Xi said.

The Chinese president said the UN should promote cooperation, noting that “the Cold War mentality, ideological lines or the zero-sum game are not a solution to a country’s own problems, much less a response to the common challenges of humanity. “

“What we have to do is replace conflict with dialogue, coercion with consultation and zero-sum win-win,” he added.

The Chinese president also said that the UN should focus on real action.

“To put the principle of multilateralism into practice, we must act, not just talk,” Xi said. “There must be a cure, not just a therapy.”

The UN must aim at solving problems and moving towards tangible results as it advances security, development and human rights in parallel, he added.

In particular, he said priority should be given to addressing non-traditional security challenges, such as public health.

At the meeting, Xi praised the UN’s role in 75 years and said the organization has come on an extraordinary journey.

He said that the 75 years have seen dramatic progress in human society and profound changes in the international situation, and it has been a period of rapid development of multilateralism.

Xi said China strongly upholds the central role of the UN in international affairs.

China firmly upholds the UN-centered international system and international order backed by international law, he said.

“Let us renew our firm commitment to multilateralism, let us work to promote a community with a shared future for humanity,” Xi said before concluding his remarks.
