Dr M vs Syed Saddiq – zoomers are the future


YOURS | “The world belongs to the young, not the old who cannot change.”

Syed Saddiq to Dr. M: I serve Malays, not just Malays

IndigoTrout2522: Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman’s reply to Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is appropriate and will be well received by the rakyat.

Too many in the older generations consider that only they have the wisdom and the right to run the country. They constantly use race and religion to divide the nation, while the younger generation wants to unite everyone regardless of race, religion, creed, political affiliations, or skin color.

It is time for Mahathir and his generation to recognize this and move on. The torch is now passed on to a new generation of leaders.

Syed Saddiq will find other members of the younger generation in various political parties and movements who have similar values ​​and idealism, and who are multiracial, anti-corruption and community-minded. Feel free to join your youth movement.

It is important to have idealism, but only through power can real change be achieved in society. Power is not necessarily corrupt if leaders use it to improve and benefit the rakyat.

Heron: Well said and way to go, young man. There are many Malaysians like you who have the dynamism and capacity to generate leadership and new strategies to lift the nation out of the disappointing and miserable political miasma of some three decades.

The opportunity cost has been quite staggering, as is obvious today. Young leaders like you are needed to alter the existing and sadly ingrained mindset. A mindset that focuses on winning the hearts and minds of a specific community by inferring inferiority within that community and animosity towards others.

This primary focus on communal politics has suppressed the vitality of the multiracial and multicultural vitality of our fortunate country and has also given rise to exclusive groups of the nouveau riche.

If only our top leadership of the last three decades had committed to promoting and protecting the general interests of the country and the people instead of focusing on selfish and parochial interests and fermenting community concern for such ends.

Like the young who educate the old in computer science, the elderly must be made to abandon their failed methods and means.

Fernando: Well said, Syed Saddiq. The world belongs to the young, not the old.

Not all older people think like Mahathir. It is obvious that he has a selfish political agenda: to play in the race to win. There are many older Malaysians supporting you, Syed Saddiq (as long as you don’t deviate from your planned inclusive agenda).

Change, change and change, it has reached the stage of ‘do or die’.

The success or failure of Syed Saddiq will depend on his ability to organize his way forward. The most important thing at this juncture – of increasing race and religious intolerance with Umno by the PAS to exploit the division among Malaysians for political purposes – is the message promoted by Syed Saddiq.

Let that message ring. This is the first step of a Malaysian leader who dares to claim inclusion.

Whether he trusts his politics or not, PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim is the closest to what Syed Saddiq intends to do. Anwar once said, “My son’s Malay son, Chinese children my children, Indian youth, Iban, Kadazan, my son.”

If Syed Saddiq can be more successful where Anwar cannot, then ‘syabas’ for him and the youth.

Siva1967: Syed Saddiq, this is a brilliant response to the old maverick. Mahathir has been playing the race card for too long and with too much division.

An entire generation has grown up from this Machiavellian period and has led the country on a Malaysian versus non-Malaysian trajectory; East Malaysia vs. West; has against has not, we against them; my religion better than your religion and more.

There is also the “ketuanana” mentality that Malays are the “masters” derived from various sessions of Biro Tatanegara.

It is time to reverse all of that and we, the older generation who failed to create a united Malaysia to hand over to our next generation. It is time for the next generation, like Syed Saddiq, to ​​take over the government (tactfully, if you’ve done it too) and chart a better course for all Malaysians.

Remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life, so without further delay, register your party. My boys and I will sign up.

I think, therefore I exist: In fact, the future begins today. We are Malaysians and we want a better deal for everyone.

Syed Saddiq, you give hope to a nation steeped in darkness and hopelessness. Mahathir’s politics and race-based politicking ended a long time ago, but he kept trying to get it going from time to time.

This patient has a flat line and to try to revive him is to create another Frankenstein. We don’t need another monster in a room full of them.

We wish him the best and will collectively fund his effort. Thank you for thinking of us as Bangsa Malaysia.

Honma: Syabas to Syed Siddiq. I hope your dreams of uniting all Malaysians are successful and take Malaysia to a greater height.

This will be the new normal as opposed to the old school of thought of insisting on only one particular race and religion to gain popularity. I hope more young Malaysians join.

To move Malaysia forward and be progressive, we must implement policies that benefit Malaysia for all Malaysians.

JBond: Hats off to you as a young Malaysian leader unaffected by Umno’s over 60 years of racism, warlord culture and greed that have brought our country to its knees.

Hopefully, the new path he envisioned will be realized sooner, before society is further fragmented by race, religion, and personal interests. Expect brick-and-mortar attacks from established political parties that can be demoralizing, but we are behind you at all times.

Shell: Syed Saddiq will have great support from Malaysians who are sick and tired of racial and religious intolerance fueled by politics and the endless corrupt practices of politicians in power.

Let it be written in history that it was you who liberated Malaysia from the jaws of total annihilation. I wish you success in your honest and genuine endeavors.

Hrrmph: We need more leaders like Syed Saddiq. To the weary and elderly, it may seem naively idealistic, but we must not allow the hopelessness of the past few years to color the years to come.

If we don’t find hope in ourselves, let others shine the light. If it is the right path, we must support it. From youth, we find optimism, and from optimism, we find ways to improve our life.

YOURS | Many boomers are also with Syed Saddiq

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