Sabah people need more than slogans, says former Johor MB


JOHOR BARU: The people of Sabah need more than just slogans to tackle the problems of unemployment and development in rural areas, says Umno Vice President Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin (Photo).

He said that the slogan “Sabah for Sabahans” introduced by Parti Warisan Sabah (Warisan) will only divide the people, adding that this does not reflect the true celebration of Malaysia Day.

“It is as if I said that Johor is only for Johoreans, so what will happen to the Sabahans who stay in Johor? That slogan would only divide the unity we have and celebrating Malaysia Day would be useless, “said Khaled.

He added that a slogan is not the solution for unemployment or underdeveloped basic human needs, especially in rural areas.

“The people of Sabah need a government that has a solid plan, good relations with the federal government, and open doors for investment and development,” he said.

He said this when he met at the Malaysia Day celebration in Pasar Muafakat Sabah, Bandar Seri Alam, here on Wednesday (September 16).

Former Johor mentri besar added that a state government that does not support the federal government will only create a weak establishment that could generate more problems rather than solutions.

“Due to the weakness of the current Sabah state government, the Philippines has once again tried to claim Sabah; They want Sabah to be part of their country and they put it on their maps and in their passports.

“So I urge Sabahans in Johor who have families at home, tell them to convince them to vote for Barisan Nasional (Barisan) next Election Day on September 26,” he said.

Mohamed Khaled added that a weak government will also lead to more Sabahans migrating to another state just to find work.
