Enclosure Integrated Data System 50% Complete


KUALA LUMPUR: The Integrated Housing Data System (HIDS) being developed by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) is now 50% complete and is expected to be ready next year, said Minister Zuraida Kamaruddin (photo).

He said HIDS is being developed for comprehensive collection and analysis of housing data through big data from the federal and state governments, as well as government and private agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

“We (KPKT) are collecting this information to plan and build a system that can be used by the ministry and developers to plan the construction site of the housing areas at a more affordable price.

“Buyers can choose the location or type of home that suits their budget,” he said at a press conference after delivering a keynote address at the 2020 National Property and Housing Summit here today.

On the targeted home loan scheme, especially for the B40 and M40 groups, Zuraida said the matter would be implemented under the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP).

Zuraida said the soon-to-be-introduced scheme would provide guidelines that would make it easier for banks to approve home loans, allowing B40 and M40 group buyers to own a home.

“KPKT is working on this scheme. We will ensure that this scheme is enjoyed by the target group, ”he said.

In another development, he said that to date, about 33,000 young people from the B40 group own their first home through the My First Home Program (SRP) presented by Cagamas SRP Bhd.Named
