Discarded: offer to stop Sabah surveys due to Covid-19


KOTA KINABALU: An attempt to stop the Sabah elections was rejected on Monday (September 14) due to Covid-19 concerns.

High Court Judge Ismail Brahim rejected the offer submitted by lawyer Marcel Judge and businesswoman Margret Binsing against the Electoral Commission (EC), at a cost of 3,500 ringgit.

After hearing submissions from all parties, Ismail maintained that the case was unfounded.

Senior Federal Counsel (SFC) Narkunavathy Sundareson, who appeared alongside SFC Suzana Atan, had alleged, among other things, that the plaintiffs did not have a defensible case and that the court could not act contrary to the Sabah Constitution.

In their request, Marcel and Binsing stated that Sabah was fighting the Covid-19 threat, and this was not the time to have state elections.

They said this was because the election would lead to gatherings and crowds, and that standard operating procedures (SOPs), including social distancing, would be difficult to observe.

They also sought a certiorari order to quash and overturn the EC’s decision announced on August 17 to hold the state elections.

They also said that there could be no free and fair election unless it was safe, and they wanted the EC to provide evidence that they could comply with all directives from the Federal Government and the World Health Organization for the election to take place. in a safe way.
