PAS urges to contest 50 parliamentary seats in GE15


PETALING JAYA: The PAS should contest at least 50 parliamentary seats in the next general elections, says its head of Youth, Khairil Nizam Khirudin.

“PAS must be prepared to take the initiative,” he said.

Speaking at the 66th Muktamar on Sunday (September 13), he asked members to serve as cybertroopers to counter anti-party propaganda.

Although the PAS had almost a million members, only 25,000 subscribed to the Harakah party’s print media.

However, he said that print media remained relevant in reaching traditional voters.

However, Harakah attracted between five and eight million visits a month daily, he said.

Mursyidul Am (spiritual leader) Datuk Hashim Jasin said PAS has no qualms about withdrawing from any coalition if its partners betrayed the cause.

He said PAS was willing to part ways with anyone, including good friends.

“This is not a threat. We become friends with everyone.

“But if a friend does something contradictory, we will leave it, whatever happens,” he said.

He said that the Perak delegate, Mat Salleh Said, had correctly said that the PAS was a party that befriended everyone and fought against everyone.

“It’s true what he said,” he said.

Hashim initially said he was concerned if PAS’s decision not to compete in Sabah became a hot topic during the 66th Muktamar.

But even the youth delegates had emphasized during the debates the need to remain loyal to the leadership, he said.

“It goes to show that the seeds of leadership loyalty sown by previous leaders have begun to bear fruit,” he added.

PAS President Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said that the PAS was a flexible and dynamic party that could change its position according to situations, reality and challenges.

“But we will stay true to our policy, principles and objectives. That will not change,” he said.

He said the PAS had even fired a deputy in 1969, even when that meant losing a seat in Parliament.

Vice President Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man expressed his disappointment against those who told them not to compete in Sarawak and some other places.

“It is sad when some friends say that PAS is not suitable in Sarawak and so on,” he said in his closing speech at the 66th Muktamar.

He said that the PAS had demonstrated its commitment to fighting corruption and abuse of power.

PAS Secretary General Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said the party had more than a million members, but only 806,159 were active.

He said Kedah has the highest membership (170,342), followed by Kelantan (131,362) and Terengganu (110,087).

Meanwhile, award-winning film director Murali Abdullah, 57, left Amanah to join PAS.

Murali submitted his membership application form during Muktamar.
