Japan and Singapore to restart business travel, 14-day quarantine lifted


TOKYO, Sept. 12 (Xinhua): Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said on Friday (Sept. 11) that short-term business trips with Singapore will resume from Sept. 18 without the need for a 14-day self-quarantine.

“It will be an important step forward as Japan gradually resumes international travel.

“There have been great commercial needs to travel between Japan and Singapore, such as in areas of finance and logistics,” Motegi told a press conference on the need to reestablish the air corridor.

Prerequisites, such as Covid-19 tests that take place before arrival and after arriving in Japan, as well as visitors who submit an itinerary of their planned movements while they are here, will need to be met, the Foreign Ministry said. Japan.

Visitors should also inform officials of their place of residence and workplace and avoid using public transport, the ministry added.

Similar arrangements already exist for travel to Japan for expats and long-term residents of Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam from China, although in these cases the 14-day quarantine rule on arrival applies.

Japan hopes to further expand the scope of travelers allowed into the country, and talks are underway to ease travel restrictions with China, South Korea, Brunei, Mongolia, New Zealand and Australia, government officials said. – Xinhua
