As Jakarta Heads Towards Shutdown, Doctors Warn Of Weakening Healthcare System


A doctor inspects makeshift isolation rooms at the Patriot Candrabhaga Stadium in Bekasi, on the outskirts of Jakarta, on Sept. 9 (AP photo)

JAKARTA: Doctors in the Indonesian capital warned on Thursday that the coronavirus pandemic “is not under control” with Jakarta’s intensive care units near full capacity and the city ordered new closure measures to stop a surge in infections. .

Jakarta has recorded more than 1,000 new coronavirus cases on average each day this month, and the growing number of cases puts considerable pressure on hospitals in the world’s fourth most populous nation.

The occupancy rate of isolation wards in 67 coronavirus reference hospitals is currently 77%, while the ICU occupancy is 83%, according to the Jakarta administration.

“It’s like we’ve been running a marathon since March, we’re exhausted,” said Erlina Burhan, a pulmonologist at Persahabatan Hospital. “This should not be underestimated. The situation is not under control. “

The number of patients treated for suspected cases of Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the coronavirus, tripled from July to August in Persahabatan, Jakarta’s main referral hospital.

“The government should anticipate the increase in cases by adding more medical facilities in hospitals … but the need for medical workers should also be anticipated,” Halik Malik, spokesman for the Indonesian medical association, told Reuters, acknowledging that the pressure on health the system was high.

“Doctors are forced to work overtime, fatigued amid little protection,” he added.

On Wednesday, Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan reimposed the closure measures as of September 14, and residents were asked to work, study and pray at home due to fear that the Jakarta health system the city was seen on the edge of the abyss.

“Right now, this is an emergency, more urgent than the start of the pandemic,” he said.

Without tougher social restrictions, hospitals may be forced to turn away coronavirus patients next week, data from the Jakarta government showed.

Indonesia has been battling the pandemic since March, drawing criticism from public health experts for prioritizing economic concerns over public health.

The nation has recorded more than 203,000 coronavirus cases and 8,336 deaths, the highest number of deaths from Covid-19 in East Asia.

On Wednesday, Baswedan told Jakarta residents: “Please do not go out, do not leave home and do not leave Jakarta unless necessary.”

On the streets of the capital, where residents passed mock caskets intended to scare them into maintaining health protocols, news of the weakening of the health system was greeted with concern.

“The situation is scary, a healthy person can suddenly fall ill and when he wants to look for a hospital, he receives the news … (that there are not enough hospital beds),” said Sumaidi, an employee of a printing company.

“I can’t stop thinking about it.”

Indonesia’s main stock index fell 5% to its lowest level since the end of June following the governor’s announcement, triggering a 30-minute trade interruption, while the central bank intervened to stabilize the exchange rate of the rupee.

For millions of people working in the informal sector, the blockade represents a new economic blow.

“For sure our income will suffer,” said Fredy, a motorcycle taxi driver, “Now it’s great if we can get 50,000 rupees (US $ 3.40) every day, but from Monday on we will suffer again.”

Tutum Rahanta, an executive with the mall tenants association, called on the city administration to allow the malls to remain open.

“We were already sick the first time they brought large-scale social restrictions and now that we are recovering during relaxation, (the restrictions) are re-established,” he said. “Things will get worse.”

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